Resident Evil Horror Zombie Movie Review

Resident Evil, movie,zombie

Resident Evil Horror Zombie Movie Review

Resident Evil is a movie based on a zombie Horror game. Each movie, follows loosely the storyline. They also use the main characters of each game for their movies. In Japan, it is known as Bio Hazard. It is Capcom's Horror game master piece. This movie starts at the beginning. The main character is Alice. She is a fictional character created for the film. Originally, the game focused on a special task force gathered together to investigate the Hive Mansion. Alice is thus swept, into the Resident Evil's world, when this task force picks her up.

Alice starts off as blind as the team searching the Mansion. Like them, she has no idea what has occurred. Heck, she seems to be having a case of amnesia. Following the plot of the game, the task force is investigating the Mansion. They do not believe that Alice has amnesia. Plus, they picked up another amnesiac guy, next to her. To keep an eye on the pair, they take them along to search the mansion. In the beginning, nothing too creepy happens. There is a lot of tension.

However when the task force turns off the Red Queen (a.i. computer),  the movie goes from bad to worse. It says a lot of the Umbrella corporation. They have a lot of cool zombies, laser beams and the Red Queen.  For those not familiar with Resident Evil, I must say this is one creepy movie. It is quite violent and gory. It also includes a healthy dose of human mutation. The general theme is "survival of the fittest". A lot of other cool things happen in the movie, but I will not spoil the ending. Just take my word for it. It is a really good gory movie. I hope that I said was enough to pick your interest. In any case, Resident Evil Part 1 is a 5 stars worthy movie. I did not like the second part. Oh, the film is rated 15.

Resident Evil, Resident Evil movie,Horror movie


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