Mulan Walt Disney Movie Review

Fa Mulan, Mulan,disney movie

Mulan Walt Disney Movie Review

Mulan was a cute Disney movie. When I was in my choir class, they had us sing her songs. My teacher was a fan. Plus, due to budget cuts, the only musical classics that our school could afford was Disney. On that hilarious tone, let us discuss Walt Disney's Mulan. Mulan is historical, with a bit of magic on the side. It shows you a lot of ancient Chinese tradition. This movie is about the Huns invasion. It is very traditional and cruel around the edges.

Let us begin with Mulan's matchmaker. I liked how they prepared Mulan for her matchmaker. The honor song was pretty cute. I thought the lucky cricket scene was pretty funny. That cricket was really lucky. Hahaha. Remember, the old woman crossing the streets with her eyes closed? The matchmaker was one super judgmental lady. Then again, she was risking her honor in this matchmaking business. Should she recommend a bad bride, she would be out of business.

Fa Mulan, Mulan,Disney movie

With matters of honors, families livelihood depend on it. Honor was so important in China, that hundreds died to redeem it. After, Mulan's sad song about her reflection, the recruitment force for the war arrived. Her father was constricted into the army. She disguised herself has a boy and joined the army.

At this point, Mulan's grandma prayed to the ancestors for help. China's religion relies heavily on the ancestors and house guardians. Each family, has their own Gods. Mushu was a dishonored guardian. The guy he was supposed to protect lost his head in the war. He was supposed to have awaken the true guardian dragon. However, Mushu broke the dragon statue, instead. In China, idols and shrines channel the powers of the Ancestors and guardians. Without the dragon statue, Mushu could not awaken the true guardian dragon.

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Thus, he decided to help Mulan anyway, to regain his lost honor. See, Mulan's story is ruled by honor. Mulan and Mushu fought in the war to regain their lost honor. Now, onto regiment. I liked the training song. That training was historical. Its interesting the use of fireworks for war. Fireworks were weapons of war. In times of peace, they illuminated the skies.

The song about why soldiers fight wars was pretty cute. Veterans always had the best choice of women from the matchmakers. Fighting in wars, always helped elevate one's family honor and marry up. Its interesting to note the women in the fields. When the men went to war in Ancient China, the women serve as the farmers. See, everyone contributed to the cause. Well, we already know the rest of the movie. I think that is everything worth mentioning. 5 stars for Disney's Mulan.

Fa Mulan,disney movie,mulan singing


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