Exorsister New 2013 Anime Show Review

exorsister,2013,new anime

Exorsister! New 2013 Anime Show Review

Exorsister! is a pretty stupid anime show. The anime characters are pretty well designed. However, the way they gave Yuji his sister was really stupid. You see, Yuji is supposedly possessed by a demon. A pretty anime girl appears in his room saying she wants to kill him. It seems she is not a very good exorcist. In the Catholic world, exorcism do not include killing the victim of a possession. Needless to say, you should never ask a Jap to exorcise you. He will kill you!

Luckily for Yuji, the exorcism fails. It seems this pretty exorcist is his sister. There is an anime show called Exorsister Maria. However, that anime show is more for 24 years old otakus. There is also a very creepy live action movie about the show. I would not recommend it to anyone. This anime show is like the Kite Liberator of the OVA Kite. Its a more kiddy grade version of the true Exorsister anime show. Regardless, Exorsister is a bit naughty around the edges. In any case, this guppy of an anime show is 3 stars worthy. It really was not my cup of tea. The hard core version was 5 stars worthy. The OVA not so hilarious. Sorry about the small picture. That was the best anime picture I could find for the Exorsister. Its unfortunate tittle is not helping its popularity.


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