Sleeping Beauty Disney Movie Review

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Sleeping Beauty Disney Movie Review

Once again, Disney did a movie about a Brother's Grimm Tales. Like in the book, a childless couple of monarchs finally gave birth to a princess, name Aurora. At her birth, they engaged her to Prince Philip. This assured the prosperity of both kingdoms. At the party of her Baptism, they invited everyone to the party. Also attending the party were three fairies. In the original book, they had invited 12 fairies. They stood for the 12 apostles. Originally, these fairies had to eat only from golden silverware. However, they did not have a set for the 12th fairy. Thus, they painted golden the plates of the 12th fairy. This fairy stood for Judas. Like Judas, Maleficent instead of blessing Aurora, she cursed her.

Well, in the Disney version, Maleficent was not invited to the party. It is explainable, you never invite evil beings to happy occasions. Anyhow in the Disney movie, there are only three fairies, plus the bad one. One gave Aurora the gift of beauty and another the gift of song. Before the last one gave her gift, Maleficent entered the scene. She cursed Aurora. Before her 16th birthday Aurora's finger would get prickled by a Spinning wheel. Once her finger was prickled, she would die. On this tone, Maleficent departed. The last fairy used her gift to mitigate the strength of the curse.

Sleeping Beauty,anime girl,Disney movie

You may wonder what is the deal with the Spinning wheel. Originally, the Spinning wheel was a spindle. It had thread all around it. In those days, all women played with the Spinning wheel. The Spinning wheel of the movie, is more of an industrial revolution thing. It was not part of the original Sleeping Beauty. In another version, it was a simple ball of yarn with two sticks. In that version, the spinning wheel stood for mandatory chastity. The original princess was punished for having love outside marriage. She was saved from the curse, by her twin sons who took out the needle out of her finger. In another version, she slept for 100 years. She was awaken by a prince. Her family kinda died of old age.

As for the Disney version, the princess's family are put to sleep as well, by the other fairies. You know, getting them in the same nap schedule. I like the dragon battle against Maleficent. It was a breath of fresh air. As usual, Maleficent was killed by a cliff and not by the sword that struck her heart. As usual, Disney kills their bad guys off the scene. Demonizing Maleficent also helped. In most kids movies, they hate to kill bad guys that have the appearance of humans. It still did not save Ursula. Her death was quite violent. Well, back to Sleeping Beauty. The rest of the story we already know. Truly, this cute Disney movie is 5 stars worthy.

Sleeping Beauty,anime pink,Disney


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