Six Nintendo Games that are Still 5 Stars Worthy


Super Mario Bros. Nintendo Game

To be honest, the Super Mario Bros. Nintendo game was the last one I played of the series. This game always felt a bit long around the edges. It took forever to get no where. The transition between worlds was as bit iffy. In comparison to the 3rd part, you did not have too much control of over going from World to World. The castles where at least harder. If I remember correctly, I think this game did not have the flying racoons form. It did however have the flower power and star power. I liked that flower power a lot. It at least was better than nothing.

Most of the worlds, in this super Mario game, had a lot of hidden passages. It was easy to get lost there. Like most of the Super Mario games, this one was timed. One showed off ones' great game play abilities via the number system. The faster you cleared the worlds the more points you got. It was more of an ego boost, than anything else. This Nintendo game was also a remnants of the early arcade styles of most of the video games of their time. In any case, Super Mario Bros. the Nintendo Game gets a 5 out of 5 stars rating. 

Rated 5/5 stars.

Super,Mario,Bros. 2

Super Mario Bros. 2 Nintendo Game

 I was surprised at how different this Nintendo game was from Super Mario Bros.1 and 3. Here you got to choose between Mario, Luigi, Toadstool and the Mushroom Kid. I forget his name. In any case, each character was good for an specificity level. Luigi could jump really high. The Princess was good at hovering in the sky. As for Mario and the Mushroom kid, they where not good at anything. I could never find a good use for either. Most of the time I played as either the Princess or Luigi. I do remember the boss battles where pretty interesting. They threw eggs at you. Other times, they breathed fire like regular dragons. The final boss was the weird falcon thing that swallowed you up at the end of each battle.

I did like a lot the casino style of giving you lives. The cherries always got you at least one life up. Mostly, I like this game a lot because it was so colorful and different. The music was also pleasant. I liked a lot the little magic carpet rides we took from time to time. I remembered there was a weird mask monster that got angry whenever you took his key. He would chase after you until you got rid of it. I like also the whole throwing vegetable thing. It was pretty cute. A nice chance of pace from just squashing your opponents. I think that is all worth mentioning about this cute Nintendo game. Truly, Super Mario Bros. 2 is a 5 star worthy Nintendo game. 

Rated 5/5 stars.


BattleToads Nintendo Game

Battletoads was the first Nintendo two player game I ever played. By the age of 6, I had finally gotten a second controller. This game was a bit weird around the edges. However, it was pretty humoring. The stages in the game changed a lot. This game was a bit less sideways about everything. It game you more freedom of movement. However, I never made it past the area that came after the falling down stage. It got into one of those super annoying obstacle courses that no one can ever beat. So, that was the end of my Battle Toads experience. Either way, this cute Nintendo game deserves 5 stars rating.
Rated 5/5 stars.


Double Dragon Nintendo Game

This was another two player Nintendo game that I played with my brother. I was the blue guy. I do not remember much about the game. The only thing that comes to mind is that there was a lot of sword fighting. I can't remember much of the plot. I think it was based on a US graphic novel cartoon show. Either way, it was pretty interesting. Double Dragon the Ninentdo game deserves 5 star rating.

Rated 5/5 stars.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Nintendo Game

I played Who Framed Roger Rabbit the Nintendo game at the age of nine. It was based on an animated movie by the same name. Like the movie, you have to investigate a lot of places. I like the whole world map concept used in this Nintendo game. It was pretty fun and long. The hardest part about the game was the Weasel patrol. You had to answer the questions in a hilarious fashion or else Roger Rabbit Dies. There was a lot of things to discover in the game. In Toon Town, the shoes kinda killed you. It was a pretty silly game.

 Part of the mission was finding the pieces of the Will. It fragments where scattered all over the place. They where kinda protected by dogs or other weird things. I remember that one was protected by a Toon snake. You needed to give it a rattle for its tail. The final boss was kinda hard to beat. You usually ran out of power really early. Thus, you had to resort to punching the lights out of him. Around the end, the Judge goes kinda crazy. Either way, I managed to win the game. It was easy because the cheat that unlocks all the powers was really easy to figure out. I think it was all H or all A. I forget. In any case, Who Framed Roger Rabbit The Nintendo game deserves a 5 star rating.
Rated 5/5 stars.


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