Romance de la pena negra by Federico Garcia Lorca Poem Review

Romance de la pena negra or Romance of black pain A José Navarro Pardo                             Metaphors The roosters are car...


Romance de la pena negra

or Romance of black pain

A José Navarro Pardo                             Metaphors

The roosters are carving                            roosters are pecking the ground looking for the grains
 the ground seeking the aurora,
when from the dark mount
there came Soledad Montoya.               Soledad means solitude

Coper gold, is her skin,
it smells like horse and shadow,            she is a gypsy and has just been with a man, horse = manliness
Her breast are smoking iron,
round weeping songs.                         the gypsies like to sing a lot.

Soledad, who are you asking for
all alone at these hours?

 Who are you asking for,
Tell me: you who do you seek?
I seek what I seek,
my happiness and myself.

Solitude of my burdens,
horse about to fall,
finally finds the ocean                     the horse about to fall to its death is a common sight. its refers to suicide.
to swallow it whole.                       Soledad is thinking of killing herself to slay solitude.

Don't remind me of the sea,
of the black pain, it sprouts
from the olive grounds,
beneath the rustling leaves.               this refers to Soledad's lover.Gypsies mate beneath the olive trees.

Soledad, how much pain you have!
What painful sorrow! 
Crying bitter lemons
sourly waiting to fall.                          her tears are as sour as a lemon

What a large pain! I run
to my house like a madwoman,
my hair complete chaos,
from the kitchen to the bedroom.       this maiden is looking for a man. In the 1920s patriarch world,
Oh! What Pain! I am turning             women could only find a man either in their kitchen or bedroom.
black, my skins and my clothing.
Ah, my linen shirt!                               she is turning black, consumed by her black pain that burns like fire.
Ah, my lily legs! 

Soledad: go wash your body
with the water of the larks,                 the larks are love birds. he is telling her to go play with herself...
and leave your heart                         since she has no man she has to take care of herself...
at peace, Soledad Montoya.

Down bellow sings the river:
full of sky and leaves.                     olive groves are near rivers
Cornflowers now crown                 refers to the shape of the cornflowers
the morning light.
Oh, gypsy's sorrow!
Pure pain and always alone.
Oh, pain of hidden channels              pain born of unsatisfied desires
and remote morning!


Romance de la pena negra by Federico Garcia Lorca Poem Review

 This poem is really hot. Its about a gypsy looking for a man to love. Her lust is so strong that she is thinking of killing herself to make the pain go away. She is also seriously lonely. The narrator tells her to love herself in order to find peace. This poem is really hot. Its awesome considering the time it was written. Between the church and the state, only young straight men could have any fun. It was forbidden for women to have sensuality. Soledad could only find her man in the place patriarchy left for her. Thus, she sought her man in the bed or kitchen. The poem becomes more depressing as time passes. In the end, Soledad's desires are not satisfied. Either way, this bitter love poem deserves 5 star rating.

Translation by Teresita Blanco

Translations are intellectual properties of the translator. Thus, I can put my name on it along with Lorca's name.


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