Windy Stormy Beach by Teresita Blanco


 Windy Stormy Beach by Teresita Blanco

Well, this was the first time I took my new camera to the Beach. That day it was cloudy and windy. However, it did not rain. That day there were hundreds of those odds.. I forget what they where call. You can see them in the above photo. At first, I was going to take photos of the family. However, they bored me soon enough. So, I started to Photographing other things. Its fine, in all public places one is allowed to use the camera as one wills. That's the law!! As long as you are reasonable. Anyhow, here is a lovely landscape photo one family just lying about. The other family is playing in the water.


The next photo shows a mama with her two kids. Behind them, a weirdo with a camera is passing by. Judging by his silly shorts he must be a tourist. I am kinda lazy about my photos. I don't chase people about like a Paparazzi. Its better that way.


 Well, here is the next photo. There are a lot of lil scenes going on there an there. I managed to to get a few sea gulls into the photograph. I got more of the sky in this one. Looks massive and expansive.


For the next photo, I was aiming to catch in the same frame the guy with the glider and the glider.  I managed to get the guy with the pink glider. However, I also captured in the photo an old man and his son passing by. The guy with hair was looking at the sunset or maybe the jumbo hotels. 

When I noticed the old guy with the son, I decided to take a photo of them. I thought to myself, those two guys fit well with the scenery. They are just in the photo for decorations. In landscapes, you should think of people as decorations. 


Well, the last photo is just for fun. Its just a random chick walking about. She looks a bit serious. I called this one, Passing Storm. Works pretty well if you ask me. Anyhow, this is the last photo for now. I hope that you enjoyed this Miami Beach photo shoot.

Copyright 11/9/2008


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