No People Miami Beach Photos by Teresita Blanco


 No People Miami Beach Photos by Teresita Blanco

 This set of photos does not focus on people. Three happen to show up merely as decorations. Anyhow, the first photo shows the random things of some tourist. Beyond, there is a little red yacht passing by. Its a pretty calm photo. There is almost no clouds in the sky.


The next photo shows my mother reading a book out loud.  It makes a nice contrast between the foreground and the background. The camera lenses are programed like your eyes. They cannot shoot well things that are too closed to its lenses. You can read over the top the limits of its ocular powers. Sounds cool. When I say over the top, I refer to the lenses.


The next one is a photo of my sunglasses.  You can see my reflection in one of the glasses.


The next Miami Beach photo focuses on the pages of the book. This camera is able to focus well on the letter. As you can see, this book was written in Spanish. Its author is Stefan Zweig. He is my favorite German writer. In my opinion, the best writer in existence. Too bad there are no good English translation of his work.


The last photo is a red Sunset. I have no idea why the photo came out so red. Still, it looks pretty good. Warm and inviting. This photo focuses on the hotels and not on the beach itself. I was never able to afford any of them. Then again, why waste money in a hotel when it only takes you 20 minutes to drive to the beach?


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