Funny Anime Gifs
next, Edward Elric walks about like a zombie.5 stars
hahaha, what a funny anime gif.that lil anime girl is real hungry. 5 stars.
Here we see a perplexed Rin Kagamine. I think her expression is funny. 5 stars
Here is another lovely anime gif. Its inuyasha beating up three lil kids. 5 stars
Here Inuyasha and Kagome are arguing a lot. Hahahaha. 5 stars
the next one shows Inuyasha trying to fix kagome's bike. He really did screw it up. 5 stars
Lastly, Sango is having a jealous fit. Pretty neat. hahahaha. 5 stars.
You know, I can understand their reaction. Exams are such a pain... 5 stars
she just noticed that her eraser is not there.
This funny lil gif is from the K On series. Even, I think this one was a bit evil. 5 stars.
by the gods, this one is both cute and hilarious. Hahahaha. 5 stars.
That Luffy sure does love to eat a lot. Works well for a funny anime gif. 5 stars
whats the 11th one? the kitty one