Double Rainbows and the Rain Photographs by Teresita Blanco


 Double Rainbows and the Rain Photographs by Teresita Blanco

I love it when it rains. The rain gives a warm color to everything it touches. Plus, there is always the faint chance of a rainbow. That day there was a double rainbow. Its the first and only time I ever seen. Since I took these photos, I get to enjoy it whenever I feel like it. Now, you get to enjoy it as well. This building above is the apartment complex in front of mine. 


 Here is the same photo, but vertical. That yard bellow is not really mine. Plus, it was a new addition to the place. It makes it look distinguished.


Now, here is the promised Rainbow. A double rainbow to be more exact. Its pretty cool how its twin is a faded mirror mode version of the current rainbow. My only regret is that this window was too dirty. Hey, I see a little dove.


Doesn't this photo make this place look magical. I know that this is just the super scary Hialeah. Still, that rain plus the rainbow bridge to Valhalla really is something else.


Well, here is the last double rainbow photo. Its just passing by the street sign. This really is quite the pretty cliche photo. Then again, its not everyday one sees a double rainbow. I hope you liked these little photos of the rain and the rainbows.


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