Last Luis Royo Post Tadai MAX

 luis royo women

Last Luis Royo Post Tadai MAX

So yeah, my chibis this is gonna be my last Luis Royo blog. I am looking forward to rating other great talented dark fantasy artist. For now, let us sit back and enjoy Luis Royo's Women. This is the last album of Royo worth rating. The others that remain are just fillers. As the title shows, there are a lot of women in this album.

The first runner up is a futuristic maiden fiddling around with the controllers of her spaceship. Behind her you can see another spaceship. Royo put that spaceship on purpose to get a  feel of the type of spaceship that this maiden is ridding. Like the others' of its kind, this woman is looking directly at the viewer. Eh... it works pretty well. That control panel is quite the futuristic cliche. I think that's everything worth mentioning. 5 stars for this lil number.

 luis royo picture

The next one is a warrior maiden with a sword and pet crow. She kinda reminds me of one of those Chosen Warriors of Valhalla. The crows are the familiars of Odin. He uses them to see the present. Behind her you can see an ancient citadel. It looks kinda roman. The red sky is kinda eerie. Other than that (and the lightning) this lil number deserves 5 star rating.

 luis royo fantasy

Those eyes ... I think this might be Medusa. They are petrified and so horrifying to look at... 5 stars.

 luis royo cool

Another Barbarian Theme. Here we have a cute Viking lady ridding a boat. She seems to have escaped that burning town over the horizon. Its funny how your eye is drawn to that burning town. Again  I see Odin's crow over the horizon. Pretty neat, 5 stars rating for Luis Royo.

 luis royo cool

Those are some weird mutant colors. Still, she is quite the pretty lil maiden. She seems to be signing... 5 stars.

 luis royo ancient

Methinks she is either the warden or a prisoner trying to escape. She does look imposing with that club made of the leg of a table. That color coat has some pretty neat patterns. Kinda reminds me of the clothing word my ancient shepherds. If you look closely you will notice that everyone is looking at the maiden in the foreground. In any case, this lil number deserves 5 star rating.

 luis royo woman

Meow... neat mask. This one too has the same red and blue mutant colors. They are not half bad. I can see an odd building or windows reflected on the eyes of this maiden. Her looks are futuristic. If you noticed she is wearing a wedding band. This hot married kitten is 5 star worthy.

 luis royo picture

Hey, I recognize that shoulder plate. I think that's the same blue and golden mutant colored maiden from before. It think she has picked up a fancy blade from the water. Lil maggots are falling off the hilt. Are those three suns? Pretty weird, in places with a trio of suns its very rare to get night. I sense twilight is about to fall... In any case, Luis Royo's Woman deserves 5 star rating.

 luis royo picture

The next cutie is a damsel in distress. She is in the process of being rescued by this stunning young man. you can see the hungry tiger about to jump him. You know, both do look like they are related. I mean the girl and guy, not the guy and the tiger (hehehehe). In any case, this trio deserves 5 star rating.

 luis royo women

This is a Chinese archer maiden. Her dress is decorated this the sacred Phoenix and Dragon. The golden and red patters on the white silk are amassing (really fancy stuff). She also has a traditional Chinese bow and Arrow. Inside the seal, we can see a tiger (perhaps her zodiac beast). The crescent moon denotes an ancient martial art. I see that sign often enough. For lots of wonderful details, Luis Royo deserves 5 star rating.

 luis royo police

Here is the next runner up. This one is a serious looking police woman. Its cute the placement of her baton (hehehe). 5 stars for her.

 luis royo apocalyptic

Another pretty gunner maiden. This one follows the post apocalyptic style. Her dress is made of tin nets and she is decorated with some metal ornaments. Those dark reddish colors work pretty well. Every piece of the artwork is combined in perfect synthesis. In any case, this Woman of Luis Royo gets 5 stars rating.

 Luis royo futuristic

This one follows a similar concept. The only difference is that she is an ice queen. In any case, this futuristic woman deserves 5 stars.

 luis royo futuristic

AW!!! I wanna get done real soon!!! 5 stars.

 luis royo armor

And another!! Ohh those are some fine texture. Look at that cute lil red demon. I almost missed it.

 luis royo cool

As that half a sheaf? Eh, whatever, 5 stars.

 luis royo cool

And 5 stars is done rating the entire bulk of Luis Royo's work. I hope that you have enjoyed reading this blog as much as I enjoyed writing them. Its a great way to kill some precious time. Still, we all know that all existence is transitory. We are so overdue for a doomsday meteor. Its a real bummer that we have not turned to dust yet... enough depressing thoughts. I wonder how I will kill time next....


Description: The Great artwork of Luis Royo • About: A lot of sci fi hotties Accountable Person: Fernando Blanco Author: Awards: None Content Location: art Content Rating: 5 Contributor: Fernando Blanco Copyright Holder: Teresita Blanco Copyright Year: 2012 Creator: Teresita Blanco Editor: Fernando Blanco Genre: art Headline: Last Luis Royo Post Tadai MAX Keywords: armor, art, blonde, cool, demons, futuristic, gun, jail, jewelry, luis royo, medusa, raven, red head, ship, star, sword, tiger, Valkyrie, viking, women, Mentions: Luis Royo Provider: Me Publisher: Phi Stars Publishing Principles: Teresita Blanco Source Organization: Phi Stars Version: 7 Item Reviewed: art Review Rating: 5
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