Nicolas Maduro Barely "Won" the Venezuelan's Elections: Riots Ensued

Nicolas Maduro Barely "Won" the Venezuelan's Elections: Riots Ensued Needless to say, that Nicolas Maduro's victor...

Maduro political cartoon, Chavez is a bird,chavez bird

Nicolas Maduro Barely "Won" the Venezuelan's Elections: Riots Ensued

Needless to say, that Nicolas Maduro's victory means bad news for Venezuela. I am surprised that people thought that Crapiles had a winning chance. It is not that Capriles was a weak candidate. It is just that Maduro was Chavez's handpicked successor. You cannot expect Chavez's successor to play fair.

After his victory, Maduro quickly declared himself president. The electoral collage refused to do a hand recount of the votes. There are rumors that they were burning some of physical ballots. In a sense, they were destroying all the evidence of electoral fraud. Like it was to be expected, this did not humor one bit Capriles' supporters.

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For the time being, Capriles is ordering his supporters to participate in peaceful protests. Many a times, these protests did not end peacefully. Time and time again, Capriles supporters clashed with the police. It is not to say that they are acting violently, per say. Rather, his supporters are in a foul mood. At this rate, Venezuela might erupt into a civil war.

On Maduro's end, he cancelled another one of the channels that spoke against his government. Frankly, I do not see how a hand recount of the votes will make things any better. One can easily do electoral fraud digitally or physically. It is a common practice among dictatorial regimes. At times like this, the only way to overthrow an illegitimate government is via violence.

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I hate to give Venezuela such grim prognostics. However, with the support of the army and the oil, Maduro is set for life. What a pity... more and more, Venezuela reminds me of Cuba. That protest with the pans is very similar, in style, to many Cuban protest. It is also very similar in its effectiveness or lack thereof.

Speaking of Cuba, I bet Maduro learned his tricks from the Castro brothers. Those brothers are experts in tyranny. When a man seeks powers, he will sacrifice all, but himself. Thinking about it, Venezuela is kinda like a Cuban colony. A lot of the Venezuela's resources are sent to Cuba. This exploitation of resources was the cornerstone of Capriles' campaign.The Cuban Regime had a lot ridding in this election. Many of their followers had immigrated to Venezuela and voted in their elections.

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Another deciding factor was the 78% voting turnout. This was 2% less than the last Venezuela elections. Based on this turnout, 2% of the Venezuelans did not see the point in voting. After all, their last election of Chavez vs. Capriles was rigged. In any case, I do not see things in Venezuela getting better, anytime to soon.

Final Thoughts : Here is a last thought. What if they do recount the votes and it turns out that Maduro won. Even if he did loose, a significant amount of Venezuelans like his terrible singing and his birdy metaphors. That is a scary thought. As for the birds, Maduro copied it from Castro. A long time ago, during one of his speeches, several doves perked on Castro's podium. That rose his credit ratings among the ignorant populous. Seriously, if Capriles wants to win over the whole of Venezuela, he needs to sing and get some birds.

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