Why the devil is six , not five not four

 devil may cry

Why the devil is six , not five not four

To begin one must define why the humans are five. The humans are identified with the number five due to their five sense. Those being of taste, touch, sight, sect and taste. The devil is called six because he has the sixth sense. This sense allows one to see both the living and the dead. It allows for the sight of the soul in all beings. The soul’s only mask is the body. With the soul expose, humans’ intentions cannot be hidden from demons.Thus, the demons require a sixth sense in order to read the human soul. The angels and god are called seven. Demons are angels that lost the seventh sense.The seventh sense is that of foresight. The Seeing Eye is the seventh sense. For only the gods know the future. Few humans have obtained either the sixth or seventh sense.

Nostradamus had the seventh sense for he could see the future. He predicted that the world would end in the year 2012.

 Nostradamus cover album

Rabbi Akiva had the sixth sense. He was able to see into the souls of humans and was able to enter the realm of the Merkava. I chose Sephioth as his photo because his strike nova attack is a metaphor to the events that occurred in Akiva's visit to the Palace of god with three of his companions. The first became a heretic, the next went mad and the last turned into a frog.

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The Christian equivalent is the Apostle John who wrote the apocalypse.He predicted the fall of the Roman empire. And the Antichrist was being Emperor Nero (the addition of his name is the triple six). He also predicted the war between Rome and the Barbarians. In addition, he predicted the rise of the Byzantine empire from the Ashes of Rome through the marriage of Justinius and Empress Theodora.

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Deborah, prophet , judge and warrior. She led the Hittites in the battle against the Canaanites. She used her foresight and predicted that a prostitute was going to chop the head of the enemy army’s leader. And it did occur.

 prophet Deborah bible

Another infamous Seer was Joan of Arc. According to Marc Twain’s biography, Joan of Arc predicted that the 100 year war was going to last another twenty years.She also had the seeing eye. She could read into the souls of men and unlock their true potential. With this power she was able to lead the French army to victory over the British.

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A great and powerful man who had the six senses was Joseph Fouche. He could read people quite easily and take from them all their secrets.With his sixth sense he was able to take down Robespierre and Napoleon Bonaparte.He also had an army of spies that supplied him with information from the whole empire of France. There was not a stone that was moved without Fouche's knowledge.

 Fouche french Revolution

Fouche also could hide his own spirit from others. In doing so he was able to fool Napoleon Bonaparte. His manner of sixth sense was different.He could do object reading. He read the psychic energies in objects and follow the trail to his enemies. He is famous for using his powers to find the Rossetta stone.

 Napoleon Bonaparte anime

Well there is the obvious Jesus, Buddha and Krisna. These three had all their seven senses intact from birth to ascension. All three had the support of god. They were praised by learned men. Except for Buddha both where god incarnate and where born of a virgin and had shepherd visit them at their home. All could read human's heart well and fight off evil demons.



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A man who had the heighten sixth sense was François Duvalier aka Papa Doc. Not only could he read the souls of humans but those of the dead.With his voodoo magic and the guidance of his lwa Baron Sambi he was able to summon armies of zombie warriors. He ruled undefeated with an iron fist over the people of Haiti until he died in the 60s or 70s.

 papa doc haiti

Another infamous seer was Claude Frollo. He predicted that the printing press was going to bring about the fall of the Catholic Church and the rise of the Protestant. He also predicted the mutual doom of both him and the gypsy he liked.

 Claude Frollo Disney

Also, Erasmus of Rotterdam had a minor sixth sense. He could read the sick soul of men and find ways to remedy them through humor.  He saw the dangerous potential of Martin Luther. He tried without fail to slow down his progress. Erasmus hoped to use his powers to transform the church from within but failed miserably.

 Erasmus of Rotterdam

Anyhow, all of these illustrious men and women had either one or both senses. This helped them archived their chosen endeavors. Thus, the devil is six because he is inferior to god. Humans are five cause their senses only perceive the material world. And god is god because he has all seven senses in their top form. Any person that has all the seven senses is one step close to becoming immortal. Thus, godliness is defined by the seven senses.


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