5 Star Worthy Anime Shows 3

 linebarrels of iron

Linebarrels of Iron

This is the best robot show I have seen in quite a while. It is impressive that the creators of Gundam finally hit the mark. Unfortunately, this show falls victim to the new infestation that plagues the majority of the robot shows in Japan. This malady is called pixels. It makes a distinct tangent between the scenery , the characters and the machine that it is operated. It really looks like it was made by a computer and I cannot tolerate that. I am too old fashion to suffer my eyes to such infamy...Anyway, I watched it from start to finish. At the end it looked like they stopped producing the show. So, you should not expect an ending if you watch it. If only to see pretty girls and robot battles then this is the show for you.

I mean the girl must be groped in the chest in order for linebarrels to be summoned. She just has to sit there and take it. So, this show at least promises such low brow comedy ( and bit of tragedy in the middle). I found annoying how the main character's friend was mysteriously revived at the end due to his fusion with another robot. The main character at times mistakes allies for enemies and vise versa. It is refreshing to see a dimwit boy stay dimwitted. The new robot did not alter his intellect in one bit. He does not magically defeat the enemy leaving the city safe. Rather the enemy escapes leaving the city defeated.

Thus due to the pixel freaks I must give this show a 4 Star Fury Rating not 5...ta ta!

 jubei chan anime


This old fashion show is actually pretty good. It has a strange sailor moonish air about it. For starters, the girl Jubei transforms by using a lovely eye patch. The transformation comes with its own theme music and dance sequence. The fighting is done with an old fashion sense. It has bright slash strikes and speed lines in the background drawn before the finishing blow. And my favorite, the characters just quickly passing by each other and then one of then drops dead. The creator of this anime show has a sick sense of humor. This manifest in the characters constantly obsessed about Jubei's chest. The previous Jubei told his servant that his successor had to have large bums and boobs. That being said the poor fellow had to measure countless maidens across countless centuries. The one that turned out to be a perfect match was Jubei. The second part I did not like. Frankly, the show could have done without it. But then again all second parts are awful, with few named exceptions like the terminator, Ikki Tousen , Naruto Shinpudden ect.

The first part gets 5 Star Rating.
The second part gets none ...yeah that on should never have been created.

 anime ikki tousen

Ikki Tousen

Ikki Tousen or legendary fighters. I really enjoy watching this anime show. However, I must warn viewers that the due to the author's fancy there is a lot of implicit material hanging out ( like nudes and cute behinds). Aside from that, the show proves to be quite bloody. Indeed the battles are worth watching. This graphic novel / TV Show is based on the romance of the three kingdoms. All the fighters are tied to the inherent fate that lies in their sacred beads. I like how at the end of each episode the narrator talks of the deeds done by the original character of the romance. MY favorite fighter is Reomo. She specializes in keys. Keys are special moves done in martial arts that are meant to both restrain and injure the opponent. It takes a lot of brutal strength to break free from any key. This that and the rest makes this show worth watching.

I hereby give this show a 5 Star Rating.

 ghost in the shell

Ghost in the Shell

Ghost in the Shell displays numerous computer tricks. The creator of this graphic novel does know his stuff. This adult cartoon show has a lot of cool fighting scenes. Motoko is cute and perky, with bright eyes. .. a real wonder woman. Yeah...she does dress like wonder woman. It’s sad that she only has one bathing suit to battle with. Anyway... this show is great and pretty. Ido not know what funny thing to say about this. Ahh ...my Mnemosyne has left me. Alas !! I have no inspiration to humor you. Well whatever. I leave this review to my more EXP co-start. Guess who I am !! NA , I am me and you are me and we are all together...

See how the smile like pigs in the sty (or sky... like flying pigs...)
I am crying...

I am crying ... This show gets only 5 Fury Stars...
This is the best rating for all the shows around.



This show is rather hilarious. I truly did enjoy the adventure of Lela and Fry. The movie was frankly horrible and of ill taste. You know... the one of the monster that woos the entire world into going to Lela and in a heaven like place. One of my favorite episodes was the multi-dimensional one. This is horrible... I just heard of the thrombosis that a friend of mine got for sitting on the bus for far too long. Trust me folks when the bus stops you must stretch your legs (this also applies to all of the couch potatoes). Walk around every once in a while. It is very important... We must walk every once in a while. Hope he gets better pray for him (even if you are an atheist) Oops back to the show...so yeah u already knows what this show is about. Its good and fun ...bla bla bla. So ta ta!

5 Star Rating.

 fruits basket anime

Fruits Basket

Fruits Basket is about a girl who does not fit in with her class mates. She has always felt like a rice ball in Fruits baskets. This scene will repeat itself in the graphic novel. Among the zodiac animal folks she finds a place to fit in. However, in time she realizes that she is still an outsider. Despite her kindness she cannot participate in the destiny of the animals of the zodiac. This show also discusses the effect the destiny and predestination have over the human character. It is the destiny of the animal people to recreate the feast with god over and over, from generation to generation. This anime has a psychological intensity. The tv show seems to tone down some of the strong scenes from the graphic novel.

5 Star Rating!!

 fooly cooly anime

Fooly Cooly

FLCL is a show about growing up. The main character Naota (I think that’s his name) falls in love with an older woman named Haru Haru. The robot and other things that come out of the bulge that develops in his head(after being hit in the head by an electric guitar) is a sick reference to a place that usually releases itself at unwanted time. This show also displays metaphors of sexuality in the triggers of the bulge that appears in the head of young children triggered by intense emotions. This show is about growing up in rural Japan. Besides these themes I find the overall anime tv show entertaining and hilarious.

5 Star  Rating!!!

 vision of escaflowne

The Vision of Escaflowne

The vision of exclfone or was it eclabone ... Nah its Xclabone. Either way typing this weird name is the hardest thing I had to do in my life. For crying out loud it seems like a Russian named the cursed dragon robot armor. Anyhow, this show has a Greek thematic overtone with regards to the futility of fighting fate or of creating one's own fate. In addition, this show was the first and only ( so far as I can tell) to take into account the great mystical force called luck. In one of the battles, Exbalote fought cat robots enhanced with luck and he missed his target like a million times. Eventually, the excess of luck backfired on the cat girls thus creating an excess of ill fortune. This translated into the terrible illness that befell the poor girls after the battle.  This is the best robot and medieval princely anime I have ever watched.

5 Star Rating.


Neo Genesis Evangelion

 The title Neo Genesis describes the time period that the story takes place. The earth has been ravaged by the angels during the apocalypse. During this battle, the humans managed(don't ask me how) to kill God. Without god, the humans became hollow. Thus they sought to recreate god. However, from this artificial god called Adam new angels where born. In desperation, the humans created Eva weapons piloted by humans. Shiji Icary was called upon by his estranged father to operate Eva 2.Shiji's father is in charge of the instrumentality project. He needs his son to fend off the angels in order to finish god. This project will fill the void by uniting people’s consciousness into one. Thus, the combined mind of humans will create a godly effect. This method resembles the concept of Brahma in Hindu religion. People do not realize that they are all one and the same Brahma. In the office of Shinji's father and the presentation appears the Sepirot. In Jewish religion, the angels are not autonomous, they are program of god. Thus,the angels of the created god attack the humans in order to escape the humans.This anime is truly quite fascinating with cool battles.

Five Star Rating!!

 ergo proxy anime

Ergo Proxy

Ergo proxy is literally translated from Latin as "therefore puppet". In WWI, the US and the allies used to perform proxy wars. Meaning that people paid the country that they wanted to win. Thus, instead of the US and Germany fighting on open grounds they each paid other countries to fight it our till the bitter end. The winner of this cock fight determine the victory for either country. In this show, the main character is haunted by the proxy apparitions that spread a virus to the autoraves (or robot servants) in the city. He must awaken the proxy within himself in order to battle other proxy enemies. There is a sorta a highlander theme surrounding this graphic novel. There must only be one. So, regardless of any animosity shared between the proxies they must fight each other until only one of the twelve remain. Once there is only one can the last city on earth be reborn.

5  Star Rating.

 code geass anime

Code Geass R1-R3

I found this graphic novel quite refreshing. Apparently there is going to be an R3 coming in the future so stay tune. This graphic novel is based on a play called Damocles. In both the show and in the play, the kings and queens , the princes and the princesses are mutually cutting each others heads in order to inherit the rights to the kingdom. Similarly, Lelouch , triggered by the assassination of his mother, uses his new powers obtained from C2 in order to avenge his mother's death and become king. In the process of his ordeal a new world is created. In the end, beyond the senseless struggle, the world becomes a peaceful place.In R3, Susaku succeeds Lelouch as the new Zero and continuous to maintain peace in the kingdom.

This show gets 5 Star Rating.

 anime  basilisk picture


A basilisk is a mythological giant monster snake said to petrify all who dared gaze at his eyes. At times this creature is called a cockatrice. In this form, this creature appears in the form of a rooter with a snake at its tail. It has similar powers of petrification. According to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the Basilisk kills you with a glance, an indirect look through a mirror (or a ghost as it occurred in the movie) only assures non lethal state of petrification. In this anime, the two young couple have similar dormant powers. The girl will eventually develop the ability to negate all ninja abilities with her gaze. And the boy will be able to induce death thru his gaze. Their romance takes place in feudal Japan. In this Japanese version of Romeo and Juliet, our young lovers will be forced to battle each other in a battle royal between each others' clans.

I truly did enjoy watching this anime. this gets a 5 Star Rating.
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