The Origin of Monsters : Vampires

Vampire Black Wallpaper

The Origin of Monsters : Vampires

Today children we will discuss a monster that is as old as time. Or so they tell us. The Vampire has become quite popular and infamous in these modern days. Their powers vary from walking in summer days to flying in the mist. But who or what are they really? We shall unmask today these Victorian Huns.

In the classical format Vampires are terrible evil men that become monsters after committing suicide. They then resurrect in the forms of Vampire and feeds on the blood of the living. Their usual victims are people that they feel some physical attraction. That attraction gets translated in to an unhealthy desire to consume their loved one both in body and in substance. Thus, to keep them within them forever they devour their lovers. At other times, they just munch on random pedestrians.

These freaks are common among Norman lands close to the areas where Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun took over. The closer and more barbaric the location the more vampires inhabit it. They take great pride in their heritage. For example, the original Dracula based on the human Vlad the Impeller took pride in his tenacity in taking down the fort at the expense the lives of his troops. This male vampire required fresh supply of sacred ground. As soon as he slept the soil in which he laid became defiled. Without it he would suffer insomnia and grow gradually weak. He could not cross running water and was only able to enter places with an invitation. Like all, he had powers to control the weather and the unclean vile animals (wolves, roaches, bats).

Alucard Castlevania Wallpaper Mina Dracula Wallpaper

The chick Vampires are based on Carmilla (name of a virgin warrior worshiper of Diana that died helping to establish the Roman Empire).She was a Vampire that had the power to walk during the noon and could teleport at will. These kinds could also turn into a giant black cat or an ugly feline monster. However, this one was restrained to her original resting place. When things became bad she would flee to her grave. She could get in and out at her own leisure of people’s homes.Another thing that was odd about Carmilla was her utter immunity to Church talismans or garlic. They only way to defeat her was to utterly destroy her body.

Carmilla Movie WallpaperVampire Bud Wallpaper

From these two Vampires came the whole tradition of Vampires both old and new. All in one way or another resemble these key figures. In essence they are the first original vampires. They have partial memory of their previous life after their death. They behave at the beginning like children, exploring their powers. However, only by overcoming obstacle do they mature and become in a strange way human. This does not happen often because they are killed due to their carelessness.In addition, vampires can only go by their original name. If they want to go by a different name they must make certain that it contains all the letters of their original name...thus Dracula can answer by the name of Alucard or Radaclur.

 Vampire Boy Anime

To unmask Vampires we must unmask these two freaks. Let us begin with their origin. Dracula claims to be descendant of the Huns and Genghis Khan. Anyhow, the concept of Vampires is derived from the ancient Mongolian and Hun notion of the dead. When a person is buried in defiled ground his spirit comes back to haunt the living. These ghouls like to drinks the blood of the living. Thus, here we have the undead vampire’s love of blood.

Zombie Boy Anime    Pokemon Zombie Wallpaper
 The fact that they sleep in the morning is a reverse from the true resurrection of the dead. Jesus was resurrected in the morning. Vampires are undead and thus an inverse of humans anyhow, they sleep in the morning and resurrect at night. Another theory surrounding their odd sleeping habits is the fact that noblemen used to party all night and sleep all day. Vampires are usually associated with the elites so they must mimic the rich people's sleeping habits.

 Sleeping Vampire Picture

The name Vampire is derived from the Vampire bat. There is a special bread of bats called ghost bats. It was said to attack sailors that would sleep out in the open would turn up dead without any blood. Anyhow, these strange events where blamed on these ghost bats that were seen flying around during these attacks. These ghost bats are the only ones know to be exclusively carnivores. These bats are endemic (quite common) to India and many other tropical places. Thus, before India was taken over by the British there was no concept of vampire.

 Vampire Bat Photo

Thus, the Vampire concept is a fusion of the ghost from the Huns and the blood sucking Vampires bats. The way vampires are killed is another issue. There is a story from the 300 …Attila the Hun went up to the Pope of Rome and somehow the Pope convicted him to leave Rome in peace. Anyhow, two days later he dies of a brain hemorrhage. Based on this bizarre episode of history the modern vampire’s weakness are church items.

Pope Venedit Photo Attila Hun Image

The Stake in the heart is reference to the sword that pierced the Virgin Mary’s heart when her son died. The garlic was used in the past in a similar fashion as lavender. In the old houses, one had to leave the windows open in the summer at night to let the cool air in. Anyhow, many strange animals could get in under these conditions. Thus certain spices that emitted strong odor where placed on the window to keep the rats (garlic) and scorpions(lavender). Thus, since vampires could control vile animals it was later believed that vampires could be kept out by using garlic or lavender.

Lavender Flowers Wallpaper  Garlic Vampire Repellent

For some reason, Vampires can be killed using silver bullets and daggers. This is a carryover from the insanity that Normans had about the Romans. Anyhow, since Vampires like Dracula could become and control wolves thus they can also be slain by silver bullets. Thus, Vampires are associated with Lykens.Also, the original vampire Dracula had an army of wolves and could morphed himself into one. So, it makes sense that the same werewolf killing techniques should be apply to the vampires. Its funny because in the end Dracula was finally slain by being stab to death by silver daggers (oh and bullets helped out a lot too).

Alucard Wolf Bat

Oh and before I forget…vampires always appear as rich aristocrats. This is due to the Romanticist (like Bram Stoker) hatred to the fitly rich Rococo aristocracy (like Tolstoy’s ugly hat References from war and peace). Thus, in order protest against their fitly excesses they made them out to be monsters that drink the blood of their peasant folks.

I hope that this has enlightened you a bit on the origin of vampires. If I forgot to explain any of their oddities please do not hesitate to ask me.

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