Origin of Monsters: The Succubus of Genzoman

 anime genzo Lilith

Origin of Monsters: The Succubus of Genzoman

Today Children we are going to discuss the super hot Succubus of Genzoman. I am aware that my members love Succubus girls, especially those created by the great and all powerful Genzoman. So I shall give you a few facts about succubus hotties, supplemented by succubus anime wallpapers Mangaka Genzo. Succubus are a type of demon invented by perverts from the middle ages. It is said that succubus are demon girls that enter the dreams of men and seduce them to having intercourse with them. The male equivalent is the incubus demon. It is said that Lilith was an succubus that gave Eve the forbidden fruit. Above is the succubus Lilith. According to odd church mythology Lilith was the devil chick that gave the forbidden fruit to Eve. The more I look the more bizarre versions of Lilith that I see.

 anime succubus Genzoman

Above we have another fancy looking Succubus by the great artist called Genzoman. Over all she looks really hot with that human skull in her hand. The red hue makes one feel that they are seeing hell. She looks lovely with that red hair that covers her fine firm anime boobs. Here, this hot succubus stands as queen over all the demons. In the Zorah, it was said that three succubus along with Lilith (the first wife of Adam) mated with Samael. It was from these unholy unions that the raze of demons came about. So, in the middle ages it was the job of the inquisition to eradicate the Succubus. All those poor witches were guilty of either being succubus or tainted by incubus.

 Genzo Succubus monster

Not all succubus are harmful to humans. some are actually kind to humans. For example Pope Sylvester the second, had a succubus lover named Meridiana. He love her so much that he named the prime meridian after her. Weird gift now that I think about. Here Genzoman has show us the beautiful Meridiana. This is how she looked after the pope summon her. He needed her help in order to become Pope (he wasn't a popular fellow). However, that partnership turned into love. So both god's vicar and a succubus ruled the catholic church between the year 999-1003. It was for a short time. the succubus loved him so much that she could not wait for him to die naturally. after the fourth year she killed him and took him to hell with her. Not even the last minute confession could save such a heathen. for shame, making pacts with demons to go up in the Vatican food chain.

 Genzoman Namaah succubus

Above we see the succubus named Namaah of Genzoman. Here she is swallowing up human souls while she sits on top of their  She is along with the original three succubus are in charge of reproducing and creating more demons. The problem is that Lilith was human before becoming a succubus, so she cannot mate nor produce demons. It is up to her three underlings to produce demons for Sameal's ever increasing demon army. I bet this succubus must be with child, look how she is munching on those human souls. Only pregnant chicks get that hungry.

 anime Genzoman wallpaper

Above is another fine succubus by Genzoman. Truly Genzo has captured the devious spirit of these ancient seductress. Since the beginning of time these demons have been seducing men. I do not want to freak you out but ... I shall tell you the reason why they sleep with men. it would be easy for them to just drag men to hell, like all demons do. But they need something from other than their soul.

I read in a freaky medieval inquisition manual (aka Witches Hammer) that Succubus take the seed of men to give them to their incubus who implant them on females in order to produce malformed children. luckily we know in the modern world that malformations are caused by radioactivity, smoking, booze and genes. But you got to admit that the medieval people had some very stupid explanations for odd things in the world. So, like all good Catholics, if there is a problem then it it the devil girls' fault.

 Genzo Elizabeth Bathory

The above anime succubus wallpaper of Genzoman shows the last known succubus, elizabeth bathory. She is from the 19th century. She was infamous for looking super scary (even though she was not). Demon wise she was the bottom of the barrel, at best she could only perform illusions not full body metamorphosis. Her main role was not to seduce men but to terrorize them.  this succubus at first seduced them but then turn monster looking just when the anime guy was enjoying his dear sweet time with the succubus. Genzoman captured her mischievous soul with a lot of accuracy. you can tell that her claws are an illusion because the reflection in the blood pool shows her hand normal. She was used to explain the ever rising number of men who were afraid of intimacy with women.

 Genzoman Drugs Domain

The next Genzoman Succubus was the cute girl from hotel California. Her wallpaper is called drugs. She is the embodiment of all the vices and excesses of men. In her hand she holds the demonic chalice which is the reverse of the chalice that Christ used in the last supper. While Jesus chalice was simple and bade of clay, hers is made of glass and gold. She looks super hot with her red hair covering her fine anime boobs. Truly Genzoman out did himself in the portrayal of Drugs Succubus.

 anime lilitu Genzoman

The following is not a typical succubus. Here Genzoman has shown Lilitu the daughter Lilith. She is the sole and only daughter that was produced from her union with Samael. She was able to produce this child because Sameal was still and archangel and she was still fully human. so this demon girl has angelic, human and demonic traits. She has the early manifestations of Succubus nature. This is seen in her anime arrow head succubus tail. She is truly very, very hot. Good job Genzoman.

 Abrahel Genzoman succubus

Well kiddies this is the last succubus Abrahel by Genzoman. Its a good thing too because  I ran out of fun succubus facts. As you can see Succubus were the bane of celibate monks. What is sad that this succubus and celibacy deal is overly exaggerated, after all celibacy did not become mandatory until the 1300s. Before then all clergy men could have wives and children. Heck even today there are certain country whose priests have bulls that allow them to marry hot chicks. And as you can guess it, they are totally catholic in all forms. But whatever I shall not bore you with such things.

The only one that seems to be struggling in this anime wallpaper is this Dominican fryer. However, who the hell told him to summon a succubus demo girl. If you notice, if the man is inside the summoning circle that makes him the summoner. If you are not involve in the summoning the last place you wanna be is the center. After all the succubus demon can only inhabit the center of the circle. This guy must have a death wish or something.

In conclusion girls and boys, especially the boys, keep an eye out for hot succubus chicks. It is preferably to have them hate you than love you. After all, succubus girls make very obsessive compulsive girlfriends and dumping them will only get you a one way ticket to the grave for both you and your new girlfriend.


Zorah 758466490742871668

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  1. love genzoman's art. i watch his art on deviant art. he watches mine! lol.

  2. cool, I also have a DA account.


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