UH!? Mike Tyson Raises Pigeons?

UH!? Mike Tyson Raises Pigeons? Believe it or not. Mike Tyson left his boxing career to raise pigeons. i would not have found it odd ...

 anime Dove Tyson

UH!? Mike Tyson Raises Pigeons?

Believe it or not. Mike Tyson left his boxing career to raise pigeons. i would not have found it odd if he had gone o raises horses, or parrots or some other pretty animals, but pigeons. Those ugly flying rats. I mean those things are really dirty , plus they carry the bird flue. Still, I bet his birds (considering that they are the pets of a super rich boxer) might get better medical attention that would be the envy of all uninsured.

Well believe it or not this is supposed to be a new reality show featuring Mike Tyson. Well, it is not the first time that retired athletes pursue reality shows. I mean, there was Hulk Hogan knows best and there is also.... Oh wait, I remember ! Sarah Palin (she might not be an athlete but is so weird that she has her own Alaska bear killing reality show). well that is the last wierdo i can think off. Anyhow, tt seems that back when Mike was real small, he used to raise pigeons. This is not an  unusual habit. Back in cuba one of my uncles used to raise tropical birds.

 Cushart dove Tyson

Anyhow, It seems that his first knock out was due to one of those birds. No, he did not punch one of his doves. Though it would have been hilarious. The thing that happened was that some idiot jerk right in front of his face broke the neck of his favorite dove. This might have been forgiven but he added insult to injury by laughing and throwing the dead dove at his feet. In rage young Tyson with one punch knocked the guy out. I bet that whenever he goes out to battle he used to imagine the face of the jerk that killed his birdy. You got to admit that it is really a mean thing to kill a dove or  pigeon (is a dove a pigeon , they both do look the same) right in front of his owner. You know I am glad Tyson punched the guy. So we will see what happens with all that. Still you got to admit it is pretty weird.


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