Owl ! ouch...

Owl ! ouch... Last night I saw one of the most bizarre videos of soccer history. In this video a soccer player named Pereira Lu...

Owl ! ouch...

Last night I saw one of the most bizarre videos of soccer history. In this video a soccer player named Pereira Luis Moreno Kicks an owl. Now, let me explain how it all transpired. It seems that the poor Owl might have blocked on of his goals. Infuriated with the poor bewildered owl, Moreno took impulse and sent the owl mile high. This was captured on national television and now millions watched horrified at the terrible anime cruelty perpetrated by this soccer player. The reason that I am brining this video to your attention is the fact that it is just too damn funny.

I can just picture the owl looking left and right saying "whooo , whoo" and then whack here comes the kick of the soccer player. Heck, this seems like a scene taken straight out of a graphic novel. To add to the randomness of the whole situation, the poor owl was later attended by the teams’ medic and she received her very own human respirator. Currently she is recuperating from a fractured leg at a Barranquilla vet clinic. I am surprised the poor owl only got out with a fractured leg. She should count her blessing that the big bully did not break her skull.

To make matters worse this poor Owl was a mascot of the opposing team. Plus, there is talk of sending Morenos to jail for 45 to 2 months for such animal cruelty. I can just imagine him sitting him jail talking to his colleagues. When they ask “what are you in for", he will blush and say " I kicked an owl". How random is that ladies and gentlemen?

Heck, if you ask me this kid has earned an nicknamed for life. Now people are going to start calling him El matabuo (owlbane) or el pateabuo (owl kicker). This is quite a hilarious and somewhat unfortunate event (if you are the owl). But alas what else can you  expect from  soccer. 
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