Botox Mom - Kind of an old case, turns out it was a yellow journalism stunt.

  Botox mother I recently heard in the news about a mother who gave Botox to her lil 8 year old girl to help her win in a beaut...


Botox mother

I recently heard in the news about a mother who gave Botox to her lil 8 year old girl to help her win in a beauty pageant. Tell me, my furies, what do you make of this? In my perspective there must be something seriously wrong in a world where a mother is allowed to smooth out imaginary wrinkles in the gorgeous face of her lil girl. To make matters worse, this mother claims that she is not the only one who does this. She did not see anything wrong with giving Botox to her lil girl.

Frankly, I do not care much for beauty pageants. Still, I must admit that it is ok for full grown women of nerves of steel to summit themselves to Botox just to win. However, it is inhumane force a little girl to get countless Botox shot in her face.  My furies, do you remember how painful your flu shots feel each year? Imagine that pain in your face. I saw the pictures of the poor girl holding ice to her pretty swollen face. If she finds that girl ugly there must be something seriously wrong with her mother.

 black swam movie

In this modern world, people hold unrealistic standards of beauty. Everything has to be pretty, everything has to be perfect. My furies, I am here to make a stand, as Dostoevsky says “there is no such thing as an ugly woman (let alone an ugly girl).  This may surprise you but the behavior of the Botox mother is the norm in this day and age (although she took it a bit overboard). Allow me to explain, did you see “the Black Swam” movie? No? Basically it is the story of a ballerina who had a ballet mom who pushed her to the edged.She pushed her daughter so much that the poor girl went insane.

Many of the schizophrenia cases are rooted in over manipulative parents who pushed their poor children to the edge. We have seen a similar incident in Alfred Hitchcock “Psychosis”.  Or a real world example Arnold Schwarzenegger reminiscence of the 200 push ups he had to in order to get breakfast.  Some wish to make their children movie stars,others football stars, others Miss Universe. Such high aspirations are not so terrible if the parents keep in mind the limitations of their children.Children are not clay for parents to mold into their own image. Certainly one must guide the children and keep them from being bad, but there is a limit to nurturing.Truly the Botox mother is not a unique case. The only difference is that her deeds where made public while the cruelty of many bad parents remains hidden from the eyes of justice.
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