The Small Worlds in the Little Prince


The Small Worlds in the Little Prince

After meditating a bit, I decided to change my form in matters of rating books. For long books, I will focus on the particulars. With shorter writing, well... there is no freaking way to focus on small things (because they are so tiny as it is). Before I begin, I wanted to tell a bit about this character. The Little Prince is a character from "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. This book is a notorious children's classic. It is speaks to both the child and the parent who reads this book to their lil kids. Its more of a family time book, than anything else. I guarantee that the parents will enjoy reading this lil book to their kids. As for me, I read it from time to time, even though I am already a Big Girl (hehehehe). Anyhow, I wanted to talk about the small worlds (aka other Asteroids) around the asteroid of the Little Prince.

These tiny worlds serve as critique for the lifestyle of the adults. Well, the first tiny world (or asteroid) visited by the lil prince was inhabited by a King. He assumed that the lil Prince was his second subject (the first being a rat living on the other side of the asteroid). According the author, all kings assumed that those beneath them are their followers. His King was far wiser than the Kings and Queens of our world. He only gave orders that he knew his followers could perform. In our world, Kings order and you better obey!!!The wise king in the Lil Prince is the ideal autocrat. However, when it comes to selfish requests even a wise King goes against his teachings. The King was lonely so he ordered the Little Prince to stay (even after the Little Prince told him that he had to get going). Well, with great powers there is always the possibility of abuse. The King also serves as a model for all who hold any office of powers. These kinds of adults want their position of power to be recognized (in the form of obedience). You can see, a King as such, from a store manager to a Dictator.


The second planet was inhabited by a Narcissist. According to the author, narcissists (or Conceited men) assume that all other people are their admirers. One sees those kinds of adults all over the place. You know, those that are always hunting for praises regarding all; from their looks to their so called "talents". All he asked of the Little Prince was to clap and then he would salute him with his hat. The Prince was perplexed by this guy's obsession with being admire. Now that I think about it, I am a little conceited (bordering on Narcissistic). I do love hearing that my work is perfect and sublime... Then again, as the Prince states, what does one get from being admired? Well, I guess that is a question for pop stars. Hehehehe!!


The third planet was inhabited by a drunkard. He drank because he was ashamed of drinking. That redundant logic can easily be applied to all addicts (who are at the end of the line). This reminds me a bit of Hotel California. Some drank to remember, others to forget. The sadness is that drinking (eczetera, ect.) never really makes the shame go away. It just makes it worse. Needless to say, the Little Prince left this asteroid quickly because the Drunkard was making him really depressed (I cannot blame him).

The fourth lil world was inhabited the a Businessman. He was counting the stars in order to claim ownership of them. He wanted to amass as many stars as possible to buy more stars. The Little Prince saw him as not different from the drunkard. We see men like that everyday. This planet in specific requires no explanation.

Well, the only adult that made sense to the Little Prince was the Lamplighter. That man live in a very tiny world that spun too quickly. The Little Prince spent almost 100 days (of the tiny world) in that place. Since the days passed so quickly, the Lamplighter was forced to turn the lights on and off all the time. Most would have neglected their duties, however he was faithful to his employment. I admire duty. It works pretty well. One sees duty in soldiers, police officers, firefighters ect. You know, our modern day warrior class. They are great chaps.


The final world was inhabited by a geographer. He saw the Little Prince as an explorer. He asked him to tell him about his world. The little Prince mentioned his volcanoes and his flower. The Geographer was more interested in the Volcanoes. It was in this Little planet that the Little Prince learned that his flower was ephemeral. Meaning, that there was a big chance that his flower would disappear very soon. It seems that the geographer represents the scholarly society of the time. They spent all their times writing books and never experience the things they wrote about. It seems that I belong to this cast. After all, I do not experience most of the things I write about. Well, experiencing things is on my to do list.


In any case, these are all the small worlds that the Little Prince visited. The final world was the earth. He found in that place all those kinds of adults mentioned in those little worlds. I hope that you like this lil blog of mine. I suggest that you read the Little Prince regardless of your age. It is pretty neat. You know, the way this book is written it makes it seem that the Little Prince is a hallucination of the narrator. This story was based on the hallucination that the author experienced in the desert when his plane crash. One sees very strange things when the desert sun is boiling your brains out (although dehydration is mostly to blame for seeing things). In any case, this novella deserves 5 star rating. Tata and Goodnight.

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