Much ado about Eureka Seven AO


Much ado about Eureka Seven AO

A few episodes have already passed. They finally introduced the bad guys in Eureka Seven AO. Basically, two people who saw the Nirvash are responsible for the disarray of the world. What's interesting is the the Japs are no longer sugar coating their metaphors. In this series, time and time again they said," Get out of my country, Yankees". Its silly that the Americans adults are not taking seriously the messages inside the anime shows. Anime for the Japanese is not a childish medium of entertainment. Only in the US, is animation a kids things. This is all thanks to a puritan move from the 60s that harakiri animation in the US. Now, all cartoons in the made US has to be rated PG. Thus, the US naturally does not take serious animation from other countries (even when it carries so much anti American messages).


Anyhow, as usual, Eureka Seven AO has taken the kid soldier motif to a whole new level. Now, all units based on  the Nirvash can only be piloted by children. In the last episode that I saw, there was a classical kid soldier in an opium farm. He discovered a secret agent from the Drug Patrol. He then cause everyone in the drug farm to die. He turned into the leader of the Drug Farm and ordered the troops to fire on the drug bust tank. It's a real bummer how those bad guys keep turning into other humans. Now, that lady in purple, who turned into the squirmy tux wearing bureaucrat, was pretty cool. She put her hair down when she saw the Nirvash. This motion is the classical look of crazy woman (ever since Ancient Greek plays).


Another thing that called my attention was the shape of the new Secret. Secrets are the things that come out of the Scub Corals that appear in Planet Earth. Its kinda hard to tell the time period of this anime show. Its either the second part or the past of the Eureka Seven show. Then again Eureka did fall from the sky (possibly from the future earth or the world above).  Anyhow, the last Secret looked like one of those lil children's carnival rides. I thought it was pretty original. The first one that showed up kinda looked like a hand help vacuum cleaner. I think that is all I have to say about this anime show for now. Eureka Seven AO is still 5 star worthy.

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  1. I'm not sure where you get the idea that "Only in the US, is animation a kids things." Either you are very poorly informed or have been living under a rock. There are numerous animated shows are are geared toward older viewers (young adult and up). These include a majority of shows on Adult Swim and Comedy Central as well as long-running animated sitcoms on Fox. There are also independent animated films and shorts. Many of these have very adult themes and are not suitable for children. Many shows meant for children are not explicitly stated as for children only. More and more children's animation has become less patronizing and can be appreciated by wider audiences.

    As for the point you made that cartoons are for children "only in the U.S.", that's mostly a baseless assumption as most countries produce cartoons specifically for children. It's not a U.S. thing, especially since in the U.S. animated shows and movies are produced for many age groups.

    Maybe you're unfamiliar with American media, but if so, you should probably do a bit of research before posting your assumptions.


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