Cloud :"Ex Soldier", Eco-Terrorist, Transvestite, Failure Clone, Compulsory Lair and Psychosomatic


Cloud : "Ex Soldier", Eco-Terrorist, Transvestite, Failure Clone, Compulsory Lair and Psychosomatic

That Cloud boy always had his head in the clouds. Ok, lets get this show on the road. For half the game, Cloud described himself as an Ex Soldier. In the versions that I bought, Cloud stayed crazy indefinitely. I remember there was a weird lil guy in the Highwind who suffered motion sickness. Cloud ,sympathizing with him, told the guy about his motion sickness back when he was in SOLDIER. As you all remember, Cloud was never in SOLDIER. The closest he ever got to a soldier was his friendship (suspiciously yaoi like) with Zack. It really is quite the pity. What I wonder is how Cloud knew Shinra in person. Then, again he was acting like Zack. Boy,  if you ask me, Cloud was a lot more fun in his Zack persona (even with his hundreds of mental break downs).


"Ex-Soldier" Cloud used to have confidence. You remember how arrogant he was during his early days as an Eco-Terrorrist. He used to be so fun... Now, look at him!!! He only lightly smile in the end of Advent Children. It seems that he got into a serious two year depression after Aeris died (not even killing Sephiroth got him in a Good mood). Still, would it kill him to sprout some good humor (from time to time). If you ask me, the whole reason he was able to act so well like Zack was because of his Sephiroth cells. You remember that Sephiroth's cell changed one's essence 100%. Cloud was incomplete so he was only able to adopt Zack's personality. I guess that's the best that you can get from a failed clone. Still, he could soar the skies (and hang upside down like a bat). He flew mighty high under the influence of Sephiroth.


That's enough of Cloud's Sephiroth problems (he's got enough as it is). Now, I wanna reminisce a bit about Cloud's early Career as an Eco-Terrorist. He originally got into that line of work through a recommendation from Tifa. He wanted mercenary work. Tifa wanted to be near him. Thus, she got him a job with her boss Barret. That career was cut short by the Turks. Barrot's organization was crushed by the Sector plate. He only got around to Blowing up two Mako Reactors. After that incident, Avalanche became revenge oriented. Then, Sephiroth showed up and the game became all about him. Does it count as Eco- Tourism to chase after the company responsible for destroying the planet? Well, they did attack the Shinra headquarters (mostly to save Aeris, not the planet).


Aside from being an Eco-Terrorist/ Mercenary, Cloud is mostly know for wearing girl's clothing. This only happened once. However, that incident fed the depraved yaoi fantasies of hundreds of Final Fantasy 7 fans. Since that incident, its all been Cloud x Sephiroth, Cloud x Zack, Cloud x Leon (those two are not even in the same game. Although, they share the same universe in Dissidia and in Kingdom Hearts), and Vincent x Cloud (interesting not that many Cloud x Barret. I guess there was just no freaking way for fans to get into that scenario. Still, there was the option to go on a date with Barret in Goldrush). I remember once I was able to get the complete girly girl set. Cloud instead of going to the orgy was sent to Don Cornello. I almost got him to sleep with the guy , except that Tifa and Aeris arrived to save Cloud (from the pervy perv). Hehehe, that was rich.


Lastly, I would like to meditate on Cloud's Lies. Secrets and lies, so many secrets and lies. What's a bummer is Cloud's insanity. I imagine that Cloud was immune to Mako poisoning. Why else did he get fixed after taking another dip in the Lifestream? He is after all a Sephiroth clone (the Lifestream did nothing to Sephiroth. It simply preserved him inside a giant green material). I remembered that the first time he went cuckoo was as a result of Zack's death. He could not accept that his pal died. Thus, he assimilated Zack's identity into himself. Denial was the root cause of Cloud's insanity. More than denial, there was hidden envy and disappointment at not being a Soldier like Sephiroth. The irony is that Cloud almost became Sephiroth at a certain point. Final Fantasy 7 is a very ironic game.

 If you ask me, all of Cloud's insanity can be linked to Sephiroth. I am not referring to the Burning Down of Nibeheilm incident, the slaying of Aeris, the mind control, the illusions, ect.. Sure, that would drive any person insane. No, no!!! Its the fact that Cloud had Jenovah like powers of change that he was able to mimic so much of Zack. Its almost like he had a Sharingun. Sure, you can know a lot about a person. However, to copy that person so much that Zack old girlfriend fells in love with Cloud... That is some special power!In conclusion, I still think that Cloud was an Ancient. He kept channeling the spirit of his mother, Zack (Advent Children and FF7) and Aeris (FF7 and Advent Children). Then again, the Jenovah cells could have simply been acting up. Oh, well, that's it all I have to say about Cloud (indefinitely). Good day, and Goodnight. 5 stars!!!

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