Four Very Short Poems: Memory,Fragment 1,2, and Pride by Teresita Blanco

fantasy robot,digital art, little girl

 Four Very Short Poems: Memory,Fragment 1,2, and Pride by Teresita Blanco

Editor's Note: I am of the belief, that it is never good to waste a good Poem. Even a small fragment has merit, if it rhymes. Then again, not all poems have to rhyme. I should try to write a Haiku or something. Perhaps a sonnet. However, I find that I limit myself if I go crazy about the form. As for Rhythm, that is the corner stone of most poems. Now to tell you a bit of these new poems. Mnemosyne is the muse of Memory. She is unreliable, like our true memory. Oblivion is a fancy word I picked up 10 years ago. I been enamored with it for years.  

Fragment 1 is based on a Presidential speech by the last President of Mexico. He said, "We are at the edge of the abyss, We must take a step forward". Funny that taking a step forward at the edge of the abyss spells death. Fragment 2 is part of the depressing lot. As for my Pride poem, I wanted to write it about a very proud person I made up. It came out pretty decent. I like the "ion" rhyming words. There are like a billion words that end in "ion". The tragedy is that many are too long. With this small introduction, I give you four very short poems. I hope you like them a lot or a little bit. Oh, and Mama told me to tone down on the whole "hell" thing.

Fantasy Girl,digital art girl,thinking wallpaper

Memory short poem
by Teresita Blanco

The well of Mnemosyne has dried up.
Beneath its empty bellows
Lies the oblivion I failed to find. 

Fantasy fallen angel,fantasy wallpaper,fantasy cool

Fragment 1
by Teresita Blanco

I see them walking
With confidence
To the open mouth.
The pit, the pit.
IT calls!!
“Come, Come”,
it calls!
Dark Fantasy Girl,Sad Violin, digital art tears

Fragment 2
by Teresita Blanco

I cannot stand myself,
Even my own shadow
Is repugnant to me.

The life I led
Has my heart
Cold, ashen.

fantasy girl,vanity girl,digital art pride

 by Teresita Blanco

Perfection, Damnation,
This is our conversation.
Look at me!!
Recoil from me,
But do not turn from me!

Your self possessing pride
Has blinded you!
So now bend low,
Then you’ll know.
The path that lies before you.
Copyright Teresita Blanco

You do not have permission to use my poems without my express written consent.


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