Modern Exorcism: The Devil's out there

 stinkmeaner boondocks exorcism

Modern Exorcism: The Devil's out there

Recently there has been a growing demand for exorcism. To meet these demand hundreds of Jesuits schools have developed special programs to train exorcist. Not just anyone can become an exorcist. To become one you have to be susceptible to demonic influence. This means that only people that can be possess by the Devil have the power to kick him out.

It is for this reason that exorcist training is so difficult. Currently there are several schools in the US that have exorcist training . One of them is in Baltimore, MD. It was in this state that the exorcist conference was gathered. Basically, demons cannot posses humans overnight. Like vampires, tt takes a lot of cuing and coaxing to get the human to invite them into their bodies . However, some that are too susceptible to demonic possession do not even have to invite them in.

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The head US exorcist Bishop Paprocki describes demonic possession as a type of friendship between human and demon. For the exorcism to work the humans really must want the demon to get out, or else it is a wast of time for both the exorcist and the demonically posses. Certain demons are easier to exorcise than others. The longer the demon has been inside a person the longer the exorcism will take. Its like an illness, if you do not threat it in time , than may god have mercy upon your soul.

also certain traumas can open the door for demons. If you have been sexually abused then you are easy picking for a demon. Other traumas include a death in the family, lost of job or ex boyfriend related issues. Basically, stress draws demons closer.


Another growing problem is amateur exorcism. Poorly trained so called "priest" can cause serious harm to the demonic posses. A perfect example is that episode in the boondocks when Stinkmeaner posses lawyer, Mr Duvoius. Father Rucus tried to exorcise the demon by beating the lawyer with a belt. The sad thing about this episode is that it is based on true event. The only exorcism that ever makes the news are those that totally went totally wrong.

In conclusion, to get the devil out do not go to your local priest. Instead ask your local bishop to point you in the right direction. Only those that are high up in the food chain can perform a successful exorcism. Anyhow, 5 stars for cool exorcism. Though, leave it to the professionals.



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