Why Red Eye Demons Suck

Why Red Eye Demons Suck

 demon anime girl

I truly grown tired of seeing in every anime demons with red-eyes. It is always the same velvet hue. In the past demon eyes varied from tiger-green , to wolf like yellow. After many years demons have gained a monopoly on the red eyes.In anime red eyes serves as a symbol of animal ferocity. However, most demons behave like brutes who enjoy pillaging villages.

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Contrary to this depiction demons are cold and calculating. I mean traditionally demons where fallen angels. An accurate depiction of Demons appears in the graphic novel Alichino. These Demons are beautiful and majestic. They use their silver tongue to convince humans to surrender their soul. Their eyes are rarely of a red tint. That being said, it is erroneous to assume that all demons have red eyes.See this demon girl bellow. Her eyes are white. She is cute and perky. A demon like that does not require violence to take a human's soul.

 anime alichino manga

Other demons that do not have red eyes appear in the anime show called Claymore. Here the Yomas have a nice tiger yellow eyes. This demons behave in a ferocious manner, but at times can carefully calculate and plan their next raids on the poor human village.You see, the picture bellow. Priscilla's yellow eyes go well with her natural purple hue. Yellow tiger eyes allow for a much wider variate of color combination.

 anime Priscilla Claymore

The red -eyes are poorly used in anime. It is a clinche. This myth that red eyes make the demon is incorrect. Demons have a huge array of eye colors. In Inuyasha, the creator had enough sense to make the eyes blue and red. This provides a terrifying contrast. In the witch blade, it works lovely the color black and yellow. You see, it is best to vary from the old red eyes to create unique and fascinating demons in anime.


You see red and blue is best. And blue slashes are nice.

 anime witchblade DVD

But Frankly I prefer black and yellow.You see the intensity of that killer look. I swear that if a saw a demon like this one I would run away to the ends of the earth.

In conclusion, I think red - eye demons are super lame. Whoever uses them lacks imagination. Anything with the right eye color combination can look demonic.


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