My Name is Teresita Blanco

My Name is Teresita Blanco Ever since I came to the US, my namesake has been butchered in ways unimaginable. I am not just referr...


My Name is Teresita Blanco

Ever since I came to the US, my namesake has been butchered in ways unimaginable. I am not just referring to the pronunciation of my name. That sin I can forgive. However, to be deprived of my "ita" is an abuse I will not tolerate. Everyone, both English speaking and Spanish speaking correct my name to Teresa. They imagine that the chibi version of Teresa is an error, or a fab of mine. However, I was born Teresita not Teresa. There is a damn good reason for this name. I know that most of you could care less about the sacred and divine. Plus, those of you who are spiritual imagine that naming someone after a saint is a Catholic fab; something out of religious fanatics. However, it is something that I personally take seriously. When I was born I nearly died. A prayer to Saint Teresita of Baby Jesus was what saved me. You may say that science saved me. However, have you ever been cursed to enter a regular Cuban hospital? Good medicine is reserved for tourist. I was in the pits. I own my life to this Saint. Thus, you can understand why I take my namesake so seriously. So, from now on you will call me Teresita. Not Teresa, not Tersita, not Theresa!! Got it!!!



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