Last Sayori Mangaka Anime Wallpapers Done

Sayori anime wallpaper, anime huge wallpaper,anime girl

Last Sayori Mangaka Anime Wallpapers
In this anime wallpaper, we see Sayori with a sign. You got to do anything to promote your chibis. Speaking of promotion, this blog has a lot of Sayori's Chocolate and Vanilla anime wallpapers. They are each prettier than the last. Truly, her artwork is something else. 5 stars for Sayori's self portrait.

Chocola and Vanella, nekomimi anime wallpaper,nekomimi girls

Above, we see the first illustrations of the nekomimi sisters. Both are having a little picnic. They are eating lovely sweets. The sunlight works pretty well. In any case, this cute anime wallpaper deserves 5 stars animekida rating.

nekomimi,nekomimi anime girl,anime wallpaper

Speaking of Sweets, here we see the pretty nekomimi anime sisters lying over a huge pile of candy. I like their contrasting attires. Their lovely contrasting attires are something else. They deserve 5 stars animekida rating.

Neko Paradise, anime nekomimi, anime wallpaper

Above, the nekomimi sisters are resting by the window. Around them, we see a lot of cute sweets. I like this anime wallpaper a lot. There are a lot of pretty things to look at. This pretty anime wallpaper makes me smile. 5 stars.

cute anime girls, fancy dress, anime nekomimi

Its a real pity the reason why these anime girls came into existence. They are food for hentai thoughts. Frankly, I seen several pages of their graphic novel. It is really some hard core stuff. In any case, here we see the Nekomimi anime girls wearing a lovely attire. Chocola sports purple and Vanilla wears blue. 5 stars worthy cuties.

three nekomimi, anime girls, cute anim girls

Again, we see the same nekomimi cuties. Between them, we see another nekomimi girl. I think she is related to Chocola and Vanilla. They are saying hello. Anyhow, this pretty anime wallpaper deserves 5 stars rating.

anime wallpaper, nekomimi anime girl, cute anime girl

In this cute anime wallpaper, Chocola is sporting a cute emo dress. She looks cute looking at the viewer. That Sayori has always the best attires. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

nekomimi anime cutie, anime pink,anime winter

In this cute anime wallpaper, Vanilla is waiting outside for her sister. Her winter attire is pretty pink. The bike is a nice detail. Seeing this nekomimi cutie makes me smile a lot. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

Happy New Year, anime nekomimi, anime Sayori

This time, the Nekomimi sisters are sporting the cutest winter attires I ever seen. They are modeled after bunny anime girls. This anime wallpaper was made for the year of the bunny. 5 stars worthy.

resting nekomimi, nekomimi anime, anime wallpaper

This time, we have Chocola dressed like a bat girl. Vanilla is going for the whole bunny girl attire. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

anime nekomimi,anime calander, neko bible

This anime wallpaper is from Sayori's neko Bible. The Neko Bible is for a calendar. For April, Sayori did a grotesque anime wallpaper. April is the month of Halloween for Japan. In any case, this bloody anime wallpaper deserves 5 stars rating. 

gothic anime, january anime, anime nekomimi

For the start of the month, Sayori choose the Gothic theme. Her nekomimi anime girls look very pretty in their emo attires. The moon and the cross are a nice detail. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

princess anime, anime wallpaper, anime cute

For November, Sayori made her nekomimi anime girls dress like princesses. They all look very pretty. I like best Chocola's pink dress. Both anime princesses deserve 5 stars rating.

anime,anime nekomimi, anime wallpaper

In this cute anime wallpaper, we see both nekomimi sisters Sporting adorable kimonos. As usual, they are wearing the inverse color of each other. Both cuties deserve 5 stars rating.

punk anime, anime punk, anime nekomimi

For March, the nekomimi sisters are dressed like punks. Both are quite the pretty darlings. 5 stars.

white dress, anime dress, anime nekomimi

In this anime wallpaper, the nekomimi sisters are dressed quite alike. I love the pink petals and butterflies all around this anime wallpaper. The golden cage is kinda weird. In any case, Sayori mangaka deserves 5 stars rating.

summer dress, anime nekomimi, anime sisters

This time Chocola is dressed in purple. Her sister is sporting an orange color dress. That color is kinda weird around the edges. In any case, this pretty little number deserves 5 stars rating.

Elegance, anime may, anime nekomimi

In the next anime wallpaper, the nekomimi sisters embody elegance. Both do look cute in the park. One is reading while the other sleeps. 5 stars for their cute little faces.

December anime, anime wallpaper, Sayori anime

In this next anime wallpaper, the nekomimim sisters are wearing some dancing kinda weird dresses. Both do look pretty interesting. 5 stars.

neko works, anime nekomimi, anime wallpaper

In this anime wallpaper, the nekomimi sisters are holding up a sign. The signs have their names written on them. I like Chocola's dress the best. Both are cute little Divas. 5 stars worthy.

save japan, nekomimi anime, nekomimi

This anime wallpaper was made to raise funds for Japan. You know, back when they had that terrible tsunami and earthquake and nuclear meltdown. Talk about overkill!! Anyhow, both nekomimi sisters deserve 5 stars rating.

anime nekomimi, nekomimi, anime cuties

Man, those rose dresses are really something else. Sayori has an eye for detail. It must take like forever to make such wonderful linearts. Truly, this lovely anime wallpaper is 5 stars animekida worthy.

Here is the black version of a previous anime wallpaper. Frankly, their dresses are extremely pretty. They really make me smile a lot. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

anime children, anime small, anime cute

The last Chocola and Vanilla has the nekomimi sisters in their child form. Their little feet look so cute. I like their mismatched poses. 5 stars. I hope that you liked this final Sayori mangaka anime wallpaper. I was really something else.


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