The New Kindle Fire HD Product Bad Review

 Kindle Fire HD, Kindle Fire, Kindle

The New Kindle Fire HD Product Bad Review

Right now, the Kindle fire HD is really popular. I never bought a Kindle. I am not planning on  getting one in the near future. I think those weird pads are stupid. They are great for having fun. However, for doing real work they seem kinda cheapo. Then again, I have very bad experiences with US made computers. Needless to say, I hate anything made by apple and dell. Adobe is hilarious around the edges. If only their programs were not worth an arm and a leg.

Well, you came here for me to tell you about the totally amassing Kindle Fire HD. This Kindle is like the first Kindle Fire, but HD!! Frankly, I think they have hidden somewhere the perfect Kindle fire. However, they released it in pieces. Little by little, they give you better versions. Eventually, they release the true perfect Kindle prototype. You can never trust computer companies or any companies in general. They will do anything to make you purchase something you do not need.

Kindle Fire HD, Kindle Fire competitors, Kindle

Then again, that is the essence of capitalism .They create jobs by creating markets for consumer goods or useless things. The Kindle Fire computers are following the same path as other consumer goods. In the old days, they sold you cigars. Now they sell you time wasting computers. Plus, the internet in those computers are walled garden style. You have to pay fees for almost everything inside the Kindle Fire HD. It does not let you wonder around the web at your leisure. You can never do anything anonymously fun with them.

To make matters worse, even if you sneeze on your Kindle Fire HD computer, Amazon is going to know all about it. Those computers have so many spywares that its scary. So if you like to have fun, buy a Kindle Fire. If you still like your privacy and world diving then get a regular computer. Preferably, one that is not an apple computer (even if they are immune to viruses). Alienwares and the Nook are hilarious (that's a good thing). As for me, I am into Lenovo. My brother likes Windows HP. In conclusion, Kindle Fire HD is 5 stars worthy when it comes to wasting time. For anything else, its useless. The irony is that originally the Kindle was created to make reading ebooks easier. Now, its no different than an Iphad.

Dave limp, Kindle fire HD, Kindle HD


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