Sayori Mangaka East Side and Eastern Garden Touhou Anime Wallpapers

self portrait,anime original,Sayori

Sayori Mangaka East Side and Eastern Garden Touhou Anime Wallpapers

Today, Phi Stars will rate all the cute Touhou anime wallpapers by Sayori. They are part of her East Side and Eastern Garden collection. They are all high quality. Well, the first anime wallpaper is a self portrait. Sayori is sleeping over her PC. Her attire looks pretty cute. The scenery is quite realistic. 5 stars rating for Sayori mangaka.

Cirno,Cirno anime wallpaper,Touhou Cirno

This pretty Touhou anime wallpaper shows Cirno. the Red Strings over her wings looks really pretty. I think the painted blue nails are a nice detail. Looking at her pretty smile makes me smile as well. For this cutie, Sayori deserves 5 stars rating.

patchouli knowledge, Touhou anime wallpaper,Sayori

In this cute anime wallpaper, we see Patchouli Knowledge. She is reading a book. Her assistant is sleeping on her lap. The background of books works pretty well. The colors are amassing. Truly, Sayori deserves 5 stars rating.

anime wallpaper,Touhou anime wallpaper, Sayori

I really do not know the name of this Touhou anime girl. The sunrise background works pretty well. Truly, this Touhou anime girl looks epic. 5 more 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

Hakurei Reimu, Yakumo, anime touhou

In this anime wallpaper, we see Hakurei Reimu with Yakumo. I think Yakumo is a vampire chick. She has known Reimu for years. The little butterflies makes for a nice detail. The weird eyes works pretty well. 5 stars for Sayori's Touhou anime Wallpaper.

Hakurei Reimu, Remilia Scarlet, Flandre Scarlet

In this cute anime wallpaper, we see Hakurei Reimu playing the violin. Meanwhile, Remilia Scarlet is at the mike. Outside, we see Flandre Scarlet. I like the odd swirling around of the broken plates. This pretty music anime wallpaper deserves 5 star rating.

Sakuya, Marisa Kirisame, anime touhou

In this anime wallpaper, we see both Sakuya and Marisa. Marisa has a pretty bouquet of flowers. Sakuya has a simple blue flower. It is a really pretty anime wallpaper. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

Hakurei Reimu, Marisa Kirisame, Sanae

This anime wallpaper was made with the cooperation of Ideolo. Basically, we see Reimu, Sanae, and Marisa. They are all striking a pose. 5 stars rating.

Sanae, Marisa Kirisame, Touhou anime wallpaper

In this anime wallpaper, we see the rivals Sanae and Hakurei Reimu. Both are shrine maidens. Their attires are very similar. 5 stars.

Anime Touhou, anime wallpaper, Sayori

Here Sanae is fighting a Touhou anime girl. I like how the other chick uses her water. It looks pretty neat. The movement very well. 5 stars worthy.

Sakuya, Remilia Scarlet, anime Touhou

Here Sakuya is preparing for battle. She is shielding her master, Remilia Scarlet. As for Remilia, she is just sitting disdainfully. The red swirls works pretty well. The The moon background is really pretty. 5 stars for both anime girls.

Alice Margatriod, anime touhou, Sayori

Here, we see Alice Margatriod about to battle. The entire anime wallpaper is decorated by her little puppets. On the foreground, we see her main puppet. 5 stars for Sayori.

anime blue,fancy anime scenery,anime Touhou

The shoes of this touhou anime character are pretty weird. I do like the odd spider like shinny patter in the background. I suppose that is part of this touhou girl's powers. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

anime Touhou,anime wallpaper, Sayori Mangaka

Here is another pretty Touhou anime wallpaper. Its the same chick from before .This time she is taking our picture with her cellphone. 5 stars for Sayori Mangaka.

Sunflowers anime wallpaper, anime cute,anime Touhou

The Sunflowers make for a nice detail. These three maidens look cute together. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

Touhou anime picture, anime picture,Sayori

Again, we see two lovely Touhou anime girls. They are wetting their feet. The fairy by the moon looks really cute. This night themed touhou anime wallpaper is 5 stars worthy.

anime Touhou,anime wallpaper, Hong Meiling

Well, here is Hong Meiling striking a pose. There is nothing else to it. Her pink hair came out really pretty.  The night sky background works pretty well. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

Touhou anime cuties,anime girls, anime Touhou

In this anime wallpaper, we see two Touhou anime girls running. The blue one is guiding her pal. The meadow scenery works pretty well. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

The Scarlet Sisters, Remilia Scarlet, anime touhou

In this anime wallpaper, we see the Scarlet sisters in their rose garden. Many vampires have rose gardens. The red painted nails looks really cute. Other than that, Flandre Scarlet is being creepy and yuri with her sister. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

Cirno, anime yuri,anime wallpaper

In this anime wallpaper, a touhou girl is being yuri with Cirno. Both do look cute together. 5 stars.

Touhou anime, anime touhou girls, Sayori

In this anime wallpaper, we see two Touhou anime girls sharing a scarf. They both do look kinda alike. 5 stars.

Komeji sisters, Sayori mangaka, anime artists

In this cute anime wallpaper, we see the komeji Sisters. Both use the same evil eye kind of weapon. The stained glass and the odd roses look really pretty. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

Yuri hug, anime yuri, anime hug

In this Touhou anime picture, 3 Touhou anime girls are hugging. Kinda yuri around the edges. Well, that is anime for you. 5 stars.

Yakumo, anime touhou, anime sayori mangaka

Well, here we see Yakumo with her evil eye, and her butterflies. Her smile is very pretty. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

anime touhou,anime cool,anime colors

This Touhou anime girl is called Aya, something. I think she likes to take photos. Hehehe, what gave that away? Anyhow, I like the background a lot. The dessintgration buildings makes for a lovely detail. 5 stars.

Marisa Kirisame,Alice Margatroid, anime touhou

In this anime wallpaper, we see Alice Margatroid flying with Marisa Kirsame. Both do look cute together under the blue night sky. 5 stars rating for this pretty Touhou anime wallpaper.

Here is another pretty anime wallpaper. One of the bunny anime girl is bullying her pal. It looks really cute. 5 stars rating for Sayori.

Hakurei Reimu, Marisa Kirisame, anime Touhou

In this cute anime wallpaper, Marisa and Reimu are making a mural. They both look cute together. 5 stars.

anime,anime wallpaper, touhou girls

This is quite the funny Touhou anime wallpaper. Marisa asked some of the other touhou girls to help her clean up. However, they are not doing a good job. Reimu is angry with them. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

anime,anime touhou,anime wallpaper

Lets, just hurry this up. 5 stars.

anime, Touhou,Sayori

Fire, pretty. 5 stars. The eagle eye angle is pretty neat.

The odd glow of this anime wallpaper is really pretty. I think the girl with the long black hair is crying. The moon is a nice detail. 5 stars for Sayori mangaka.

anime cute, Touhou anime,anime wallpaper

Here is the last Touhou anime wallpaper. Both do look cute hugging. Are they sitting on clouds? In any case, this anime wallpaper gets 5 stars rating. I am done. I hope that you liked these cute anime wallpapers.


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