If I won the Powerball Lottery I would Buy...

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If I won the Powerball Lottery I would Buy...

Today, I purchased a Powerball lottery ticket. At times like this, I begin to dream of fortunes unimaginable. Bellow, is a list of things I would do or get should I win the Powerball lottery.

1.The first thing I would do is change my name. Trust me, this is part of my grand plan.

2. Second, I would move away to a place were no one knows me. See, this goes well with my name changing plan. Frankly, I would not move too far away. I would find a place around St. Cloud. I got lost there one time. I imagine that it would be hard for moochers and leeches to find me there. However, I frankly would like to move to the Jewish neighborhood of Miami Beach. The houses there are pretty neat.

powerball,powerball california,powerball payout

3. For 1/8 of the amount of Powerball money, I plan to thank the Catholic church in the form of a huge donation.

4. Another, 1/8th I will donate to the Shiva/ Kirshna temple of Palm Spring. I really do love Krisha. Almost as much as I love baby Jesus, he is such a good sport. Thus, I wanted to send him some money as well.

5. I also plan to have Mama retire. She has been dreaming of retirement for quite a while. In Cuba, you retire at the age of 50. Mama has been waiting to retire for the last year. She can live with us, if she feels like it.

powerball winner,powerball,powerball tickets

6. Another thing I would do with the Powerball payout is build my dream home. I want a house like those built by Frank Loyd Wright. I want one with an internal waterfall. I also want a looking glass pool behind my house, with a garden. Inside the room, I want rooms for my mother and my brother. I also want a Ghost Room. Its going to be completely black with no windows. In the center, we will have a cross and a burning candle. Outside, I want to plant some willow trees. My brother wants a plasma room. The entire roof and floors are going to be covered by plasma touchscreens. As he walks, the floor will show a pattern in the floor. The pattern will depend on the channel. It will also have wallpapers themed after the ocean, deserts, out of space, ect. The floor reaction will depend on the setting. The temperature in the room will also change depending the setting.

call of duty,anime wallpaper,powerball

7. I was planning on traveling the world once I had the money, however, I am afraid of terrorist attacks on planes. Plus, I don't want to get groped by airline security.

8. From the Powerball payout, I want to separate 100 million dollars to finance the Power Project.

9.I also want to use the Powerball money to self publish and promote my graphic novels. I also want to hire some ghost writers and artist to speed up my other artistic projects.

10.My bro wants a lipsuction. He wants to take all the fat from his belly and transfer it to his member.

chinese girl,chinese photo, cute little girl

11. With the Powerball payout, I also want to adopt a 5 year old Chinese girl. I feel bad for those Chinese darlings. No one wants them. I hope to adopt a cute, small one. I hope to turn her into a spoiled American teenager. I could choose a baby, however, I want to skip the potty training.

12.A section of the Powerball payout, will go to my Auto Limo. You know, its like the self driving car, but a limo instead.

13.My bro wants to launch with the Powerball money, animekida plus. He wants to purchase the license for High school of the Dead season 2 and many other good anime shows.

the power project, Gilgamesh, anime wallpaper

14. We also want to hire a team of Indonesian brats to animate our graphic novel. To save money, we will host the cartoon in a Public Broadcast Channel. Can you imagine? Sesame street, The joy of painting , Planet Earth, The power, project the furies , Ahhh!!! WFT.

15. I want to purchase some plastic surgery for my ET Wizard. He wants to pass for a human to live among us. I will need a lot of money to keep the plastic surgeon quiet. If worse comes to worse...

16. I also want to use some of the Powerball payout to buy back La Palma from the Castros. That place belonged to my family. When I buy it back, I will station some Blackwater goons to keep the Castro brothers at bay, until democracy comes back to Cuba.

black kitten, albino golden retriver, powerball

17. Pets, pets... I suppose the little girl counts as a pet. Naw, I am just messing around. My brother wants a silver retriever. Well, more of an albino golden retriever. As for me, I want a female black cat. She would be a perfect addition for my ghost room.

18. I also want a small Chapel installed next to my ghost room. I hope to get me an Opus Daei albino. His pious wails will add to the background of noise of the mansion.

19. I want to take a bite out of the Powerball money to get the Skyrim folks to make the game 100% kinetic. Voice, Magic, Weapons and all!!

20. I want to add a Hologram TV sets to the plasma room. It will make the place look even freakier.

Dalai lama, photo, powerball

21. I want the Dalai Lama. I don't know what for yet, but I want him.

22. My bro wants a tux that actually fits him.

23. With part of the Powerball money,  I want to become governor of Florida, like Rick Scott. He only had to pay 40 million dollars to get elected. Once in power, I can make the money back via brides. Plus, after my turn ends, I will get a government pension. 

24. What I truly want out of my Powerball money is to retire at the age of 22. I wish to go live a solitary hermit life.

25. I want to eat Maple Butter Blondy everyday for desert.

physicaltrainer, photo, powerball california

26. Bro and I need a Machiavellian (I cannot over emphasize that part) personal trainer that will whip us into shape. 

27.I also want to hire an Applebee's cook.

28. Obviously, I cannot clean the big house. Needless to say, part of the Powerball money will have to go to hiring a maid.

29. For managing the Powerball payout, I think we will hire a Jewish lawyer and accountant. You know, someone to keep me from going overboard with the money spending.

30. Lastly, they say that you can't buy love. However, that is not going to stop my brother from buying love.

Well, that is everything we plan on getting, should we win the big money of the Powerball.

powerball states,powerball tickets,powerball drawing


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