Code: Breaker Evil for Evil Anime Review of Episodes 1-2

Code: Breaker, Ogami rei, new anime show

Code: Breaker Evil for Evil Anime Review of Episodes 1-2

I finally got around to watching Code: Breaker. It is a real bummer why I kept putting off watching it. Basically, the anime show starts with Sakura ridding the bus to get home. While looking out the window, she saw a boy surrounded by burning men. She got out of the bus and called the police. The police officer thought she was crazy. The next day begins with her at the dojo in her school. They were showing off her skills. In her homeroom, she saw the same blue flames kid. She was shocked at seeing in the flesh the one responsible for those murders. She tried getting a confession out of him. However, he was too composed for her. Sakura ,then, began to follow him around. This was misinterpreted by her classmates. They imagine the Sakura had a crush on the new kid, Ogami Rei.

Seeing he did not budge, Sakura returned to the scene of the crime. There she ran into Rei. Both talked of nothing in particular. There they befriended a dog that was owned by a homeless guy. He had been slain by the falcon or eagle gang. At night, Sakura saw from the bus, some a guy getting beat up. She stood up for him only to realize that she had ran into the falcon gang. The guys gave her a good beating. The doggie tried to save her however the gangsters kicked the mutt. Eventually, Rei showed up. Before burning them he said, " An eye for an eye, a teeth for a teeth, evil for evil". The whole "evil for evil" was his own addition to the code of Hammurabi. He believed in taking out the trash. Seeing the dog agonizing, he also chocked it to death. He then went to burn Sakura. He was tired of her interference.

The next day Sakura woke up home. Again, she went back to bothering Rei. This time she went to a pubic area. She thought herself safe in a public area. However, he tried again to burn her, unsuccessfully. It turns out that he had really used his blue flames on her. However, Sakura was a "rare specimen". Not even his flames could touch her. By then, he told his bosses that he could not slay Sakura. Episode 2 ends with Sakura telling Rei of her resolution. She will follow him around to keep him from killing. Sakura believes in the rule of law and all that bull. In any case, Code: Breaker deserves 5 stars rating.

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