The Spirals of Micheal Whelan
The Spirals of Micheal Whelan
the next artist that will be featured goes by the name of Micheal Whelan. Whelan does many imaginative wallpapers of stunning quality. He prefers using high definition details for all to marvel at his imaginative personages. The first of his many wallpapers is this owl lady. she has a fine coronet filled of wonderful phantasmagorical figurines. She has in her hand a weird Japanese coin and an ornamental ninja star. This fine imaginative wallpaper of Mr. Whelan deserves a nice 5 star anime kida rating.
See, here is a shell of Whelan. as you noticed he likes those round , round rocky beach patters. One can see around these shells some common clam see shells (not in their full form). these round patters are repeated in the fetus position of the boy inside the shell. truly this whelan shell wallpaper has earned a nice 5 star anime kida rating.
here we have another shell wallpaper of micheal whelan. this wallpaper of whelan is called prudence. she is surrounded by a wall of shells. she has in her hand a small pyramid. this wallpaper, like the other shell wallpapers has a hint of surrealism about it. I cannot figure it out... all others I seen in the past have been predictable. whelan has managed to perplex me... which is a good thing. it is for this reason that this dear prudence deserves a nice 5 star infinity rating.

above we have another one of those spiral themed wallpaper of whelan. here this cute blonde girl is stuck in the center of a maize in spiral form. she is also in a beach like setting. this one is also super retro and perplexing in a good sort of way. I noticed that the center girl is wearing a cute white swimsuit. but how it plays out with the rest is beyond me. still, it might just be an ecliptic choice. perhaps she represents purity being protected by a giant shell. anyhow, she has earned whelan a nice 5 star anime kida rating.

by the gods this is one fine fantasy wallpaper. here this shell girl has been revealed after the last wave. you can tell that she has just originated from a wave due to the retreating water. this shell and chick format is an allusion to the Venus of Botticelli. truly she deserves a nice 5 star infinity rating.