St. Patrick's Day

 st Patrick leprechaun

St. Patrick's Day

Tomorrow 3/17/2011 in the US and Ireland we will celebrate St. Patrick's day. It is a days for all to get drunk while watching a fine St. Patrick's day parade. In the 20s, during the prohibition gangster used to sell green colored beer and they would have dwarf parade while wearing a Leprechauns costumes. Leprechauns are the mascots of St. Patrick's day. They say that if you capture one he can lead you to the other side of the rainbow for you to steal  his gold. In one of the many Legends of the Leprechaun it is said that his gold grants wishes. The problem is that these wishes usually backfire once the Leprechaun comes back to take the gold. Heck, they made five movies out of that myth.

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Another tradition states that you have to wear green or else people are allowed to pinch you. Another key symbol of this Holiday is the four leaf clover. This four leaf clover is said to bring you good luck. it is also a key part of the green attire that all leprechauns wear. Originally, St. Patrick's Day celebrated the special event when the Saint Patrick expelled from Ireland all the snakes.  In its true form, it is a catholic religion marked by prayer and the like. In Haiti, St. Patrick's Day celebrates the day that their Voodoo lwa Damballah help Oludumare create the world. He is the serpent god, that served as a taxi driver for Oludumare. His poop created the mountains. later he would wrap his bod around the world to keep the entire mess from falling apart. Earthquakes are said to be caused by his shifting movements.

So as you can see whether it is a catholic, Voodoo, or a popular celebration St. Patrick's day is a colorful celebration enjoyed by many and all. Don't forget to wear green and pinch any who do not. Pinch, pinch.


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