Justin Sweet not so sweet Artwork

Justin Sweet not so sweet Artwork
These anime wallpapers section is dedicated to Jsutin Sweet. it is funny how a person with such a sweet name as such creepy looking anime wallpapers. This tiger thing truly is creepy indeed. Anyhow, 5 stars fury rating for this artist. If you likie this fellow comment and post the wallpapers that you like of Justin Sweet.
I forget who this is. truly Sweet deserves 5 star for his fancy armor. 5 stars fury rating for him.
Here we have another ancient warrior. this is the scene of David vs. Goliath. Truly justin Sweet deserves 5 star fury rating for this fancy anime illustration.
The last infamous warrior is the fictional character called Conan the Barberian. He embodies the old style perspectie of manlyness. truly justin sweet takes great pains to depict the manliness in all his artwork. anyhow, this deserves 5 star fury rating.

above we have a wonderful illustration by the wonderful anime artist justin sweet. here we see a knight encountering a monster chick . 5 stars for her and this wallpaper.
above we have an cute and fierce looking amazon lady person. she looks incredible and deserves a nice 5 star fury rating.
this is one incredible looking red gaint woman. this is one chick that is super scary. this gaint red chick by justin sweet deserves a nice 5 star fury rating.
above we have an incredible battle scene. here we see a warrior fighting a giant snake. beside him lies a reclining maiden. this wonderful illustration by justin sweet deserves a nice 5 star fury rating.
Justin Sweet Freaky Fantasy Wallpapers
This is the first fine Justin Sweet Wallpaper. I see here a traveler in the middle of a forest. The grass looks white and dead. It must be winter in this day. The traveler is also old and mysterious like this forest. However, like the trunks of this giant trees he looks strong. He seems to be looking foward to a dark and mysterious future. Truly Justin Sweet knows how to build a not so sweet mood.
Now this is one bizarre warrior on lizard back. Heck even the rider looks super freaky. I think this is an iguana. What I also like is the fine bare chest of the this warrior. the discolor tones in this skin makes him as eary looking as his lizard. Justin Sweet has a real bizarre imagination... still I think this warrior is riding a salamander. Salamanders were mystical lizards that secreted a special oil that protected them from fire.
Now this is one interesting Justin Sweet wallpaper. At first one would think that this is just the meeting of two armies. Allies perhaps, however if you glance at the floor in the middle between two leaders one can see the head of a giant or monster. Something about it reminds me of of Beowulf. But still all these characters look sublime.
Now this is a change of pace. Here we see a lovely girl in a royal bed. Something about her dress and the like reminds me of Nubia princesses or Arab concubines. The cat is Persian, so perhaps she belongs to a Persian king. The incense and the swirl shape of the chair reinforces my last premise. Over all she is one hot Persian Princess of Justin Sweet. neat.
Now this is a much better fantasy wallpaper by the great Justin Sweet. I do not know why he does not make girls often. They do come out much better than his other creepy warlocks wallpaper. But whatever, this is just the sweeter side of the fantasy world. In this water a dark witch is rising ominously. she must be key for some evil ritual of sorts. This is truly sublime indeed.
This is the final not so sweet Justin Sweet fantasy wallpaper. Here we see this odd grass monster. He looks like a weird monster or spirit of the forest. Something about it reminds me of hellboy's Samael. But it might not have any ration. Still it looks quite sublime indeed.