Strange and Unusual Deaths that are 5 star worthy Part 1


Strange and Unusual Deaths that are 5 star worthy Part 1

Today, I am going to write about some of the most memorable, stupid kinds of way to die. I am not going to give you random scenarios. Rather, I am going to mention some historical figures that died in the most unlikely fashions. I do so hope that this lil blog of mine humors you a bit. All these noteworthy deaths of noteworthy people deserves 5 star rating. Enjoy! Hehehehe!


1. Calcas (s. XIII a.C.), Quilón de Esparta (s. VI a.C.), Zeuxis (398 a.C.)Filemón de Soli (262 a.C.), Crísipo de Soli (208 a.C.) and Pietro Aretino (1556). All of these historical men died of laughter. 

Aeschylus, Greek,philosophy

2. Aeschylus (456 a.C.) , This guy died when a turtle fell on his head and cracked his skull. There was a certain bread of eagles in Greece that liked turtles. They used to open them by dropping them on top of hard rocks. Aeschylus' bald head drew the attention of the Eagle. The rest is history. Then again, I can't blame the eagle for mistaking his bald head for a stone. 


3. Agatocles (286 a.C.)  and Sherwood Anderson (1941) : Both the Swiss tyrant and this infamous writer’s life was cut short by a toothpick. Agatocles he accidentally swallowed it and chocked to death. Anderson swallowed it and died of peritonitis. Peritonitis comes about when the membrane that covers the abdomen organs gets punctured. Afterwards, puss flows inside the entire system and you drop dead.


4. Herod I, the Great ( 4 a.C.)  Who was not so Great, died in a most strange a manner. Herod was the guy whose step daughter performed the dance of the seven veils. Her mama wanted the head of John the Baptist. This guy's object of demise was his manhood. His ball rotted due to a rare illness called Fournier’s gangrene. 


5. Archimedes  (212 a.C.)  He was a great Greek mathematician. While writing formulas on the beach sand, a roman passed by and walked all over his drawings. In a fury, Alquimides insulted the roman legionary. This officer got angry and he grafted Alquimides like a fish with his lance. 


6.Pliny the Elder (79 A.C)Like today, roman scientists liked to get a first hand experience of natural disasters. Pliny went to study up close the Eruption of Vesuvius… while it was still erupting. Vesuvius was the volcano that slew all the citizens of Pompeii.


7. Caracalla (217 AC) He went to tinkle in the bush when one of his officers slipped his throat. 


8. Li Po (792 AC) Li Po was an infamous Chinese Poet. Like so, his death was quite poetic. Li Po was feeling melancholic. He was drinking and riding a boat. In his drunken madness, he tried to embrace the moon’s reflection in the water. Needless to say, he drowned. Don’t drink and drive boats!!


9.Enrique de Castilla (1217) While he was marching about some kids wanted to get a better view of their highness. They climbed a roof and this resulted in their accidental regicide.  A tile was cited as the murder weapon. Hehehehehe.


10. Piro (272 a.C.) While he was walking about an old hag dropped a roof tile on his head. This tile killed the man. 


11. Atila the Hun (453 AC) After getting cursed by the Pope Leo the Great, Atila went to his bachelor party. He party so much and drank so much that he did not noticed his nose was bleeding. He fell asleep and drowned in his own blood. 


12. Frederick Barbarosa (1190) Barbarosa was an infamous crusader who won back Jerusalem from the Muslim. After arriving to the holy city he was filled with Joy. He tried to cross the river while wearing his armor. He underestimated its depth and drowned as a result. His son savaged the body. He wanted to make his daddy a living mummy by stuffing his body in vinegar. Crazy son of a gun.


13. Pope Juan XII (1334),  François Félix Faure (1899)  and Jean Daniélou (1974) All of these guys died in the arms of their prostitutes. Why the Pope had a prostitute is an interesting story all in itself. However, that is a topic for another blog.


14. Philip the Handsome (1506) He drank cold water right after playing a tenis match. Even I don’t get how this could result in death.


15. George Plantagenet (1478) This guy loved his booze a lot. So much so, that his executioners drowned him in wine. 


16. Maximilian I of Austria (1519) He ate too many melons and died of indigestion.


17. Tycho Brahe (1601) I remember this guy. He is an astronomer. He built an observatory for studying the stars, before the telescope was invented. In those days, it was considered ill manner to leave the dinner table before dinner was done. Bache liked to drink a lot and was known for having bladder problems. He was so well manner that he died for holding it in for too long. After this ill fated dinner, his bladder exploded and died three days later in terrible agony.

 18. Jean-Baptiste Lully (1687) This guy was a famous composer.  During a concert, his musicians were playing the music so bad that he threw a hissy fit. In rage, he stabbed his own leg with the metal director wand thingy. This gave his a gangrene that killed the guy. 

Well, I decided to cut this one in half. I will get bad with more strange deaths later.
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