Scarlet Graphic Novel Review


Scarlet Graphic Novel Review

A few month ago I read Volume 1 of Scarlet. This graphic novel was written by Lex Maleev. He published it on Marvel. Scarlet is a more down to earth super hero.  Basically she is ought to take revenge on the corrupted system that cause her lover boy's demise. In the first volume, she manages to take revenge on the cop who killed her lover. She then expands her revenge to reform the entire police through random acts of assassination (nah, she is not really random. She is just working her way up toward the source of the corruption). At certain point, she manages to orchestrate a demonstration against the corrupt policemen. However, a grenade cut short the festivities.

Anyhow, she obtained the name Scarlet from her first hit. Eye witness reports said that the first cop was slain by a red head. She left a red head wig behind to throw them off her trail. Its funny, a red head wearing a red wig. Works pretty well. Now, the police think that Scarlet is not really a red head. Oh, did I forget to mention that she was in a comma for a while. The crooked cop who had slain her lover also shot her in the head (you know, killing the only eye witness is really popular). When Scarlet came to she saw her lover's name tarnished (the evil cop had planted drugs on her lover). She vowed revenge and there we are.


The style of the graphic novel is a bit weird. One could almost say that it is realism. However, I have a feeling that they are Photoshopped photos of real people. Eh, works pretty well. The entire story is told in first person point of view. Scarlet narrates all for our viewing. The way she tells the story is quite engaging. She tells it like a normal person would tell you a story. It takes a few panels for you to get used to the narration style. In any case, phistars recommends this Marvel graphic novel. Scarlet deserves 5 star rating.



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