Random Vocaloid Anime Wallpapers by Nayu Mangaka

funny anime, anime vocaloid, anime wallpapers

Random Vocaloid Anime Wallpapers by Nayu Mangaka

Well, I already introduced Nayu. Lets just get this show on the road. In this Vocaloid anime wallpaper, we see Rin and Len Kagamine all grown up. They got in between KAITO and ruined his photo. This anime wallpaper is really silly. Truly, Nayu deserves 5 stars rating.

anime home, anime Vocaloid,anime wallpapers

This time, the Vocaloid Twins are hanging out with Gakupo and KAITO. KAITO was supposed to be pouring tea, but he fell asleep. On the meantime, the trio are watching TV. I like the homely feel of this anime wallpaper. Its nice to see the Vocaloid kids doing regular people things. In any case, this Nayu Vocaloid anime wallpaper deserves 5 stars rating.

anime weird, Vocaloid, KAITO,up close and personal

In this anime wallpaper, KAITO is up close and personal. He seems to be drooling at something or other. I like him a lot. His expression is priceless. Nayu gets another 5 stars for this fancy anime wallpaper.

anime Vocaloid,anime KAITO,anime

In this  Vocaloid anime wallpaper, we see the Lovely KAITO floating about. There is lightning all around him. I think he looks very epic. Well, there is not point beating around the bushes. Here Nayu deserves 5 stars rating.

KAITO anime,anime sing,anime

In this Vocaloid anime wallpaper, we see KAITO in his awakened form. Well, more like his append form. All Vocaloid characters have an upgraded version. Instead of the scarf, KAITO is wearing a fancy armor. I like his fancy headphones too. His blue music is cool and pretty. In any case, KAITO deserves 5 stars rating.

anime KAITO,anime Gakupo,anime Vocaloid

Here is a lovely anime wallpaper. Basically, KAITO and Gakupo are acting a bit yaoi. Both do look very cute together. Their matching blue eyes are really pretty. I like Nayu's drawing style a lot. Its colorful, but not too shinny. It is just about right. In any case, Nayu gets another lovely 5 stars rating.

Pink anime,anime kimono,anime Vocaloid

In this next anime wallpaper, we see Hatsune Miku wearing a lovely pink dress. It is seriously fancy. The design flower patterns are complexes. Yet, Nayu manages to harmonize all these complex color elements. Around Miku, we see some fancy cherry blossom flowers. They all look really pretty covering the entire scenery. Truly, this fancy anime wallpaper is worthy of 5 stars.

Pink anime,Vocaloid,anime wallpapers

In this Vocaloid anime wallpaper, we see a very sad Miku. She has just received a very sad email. I like her room a lot. She has sweets next to her PC. Its adorable how she is hugging her stuffed pink animal. Her pink dress is really pretty. I like the Italy decoration in the background. In any case, this anime wallpaper deserves 5 stars rating.

anime cute,anime wallpaper,Vocaloid

Well, the last anime wallpaper shows Hatsune Miku eating a huge pancake. She is taking the syrup off her small emo bunny version. I like the sweets background a lot. Hatsune Miku's pink sailor suit is also quite original. I like the frilly ends. Truly, this lovely anime wallpaper has earned Nayu 5 stars rating. Well, lets just wrap things up. I hope that you liked this new post a lot.


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