Random Games Review

X Men,Genesis,Sega

X Men Genesis Sega Game Review

One time, at my friend's house I played his X Men Sega game. This X Men game was a bit weird. There was no warning at the beginning. They simply choose your character at random. The storyline is not noticeable. There are simply a hell of a lot of worlds. They seem to go on till infinity. I only made it as far as the spiky world. This game encompasses most of the X Men storyline. I remember that in one mission you had to capture Magneto. After he was captured he became a playable character. One needed to defeat Magneto is Nightcrawler. His teleportation abilities are perfect for dodging Magneto's shots. Its very hard to handle a long range flying shooter.

After this mission, you have to climb a mountain to fight this bull guy. Magneto is good at handling this guy because he flies. He can always stay outside the monster's range of attacks. After this mission, the game gets harder and harder. I remember there was a strange boss in a weird blue room. He made some very strange robot sounds. He really freaked me out. After this boss, is the forest mission. I think this forest place was the one where Magneto and the Professor got lost. I don't remember very much. I watched the original X Men series a long time ago. In any case, this Sega game deserves 5 star rating.


Street Fighter Arcade Game Review

 A long time ago, my family used to go to the laundry at this far away place. I could not stay home alone at the time. Thus, I went with my mama to the laundry. To kill time, I would play the Street Fighters the Arcade game. I am not certain what part it was. I never got far in the game. I liked to play often with the little green Cat personage. I always had a hard time fighting against the blue version of the Cat. You know, I could never figure out how to activated the Hadoken attack. It was really quite a pity. Oh! well, the Arcade version of the Street Fighters deserves 5 star rating. 


Sonic 1,2 and 3 Sega Games Review

I think the first part of Sonic only focused on him. The game was pretty fun. Nothing too hard around the edges. Basically, you had to defeat Eggman and save some bunnies. In the Second part you could play with Sonic and Tails. Tails serves both as a main character or as the second player. In this game, you have to collect the Chaos emeralds. I think the final boss is a metal Sonic and Eggman. The metal Sonic was not too hard once you figured out his attack patten. The third part was really annoying. You start out really strong and then you loose your emeralds to Knuckles. The third was even harder than the previous two parts. I never got around to winning this game. The again, I did not get to play it for a very long period of time. Either way, all three parts deserves 5 star rating. I also played the more advanced versions of this series. However, they where no any fun.


Metroid Prime Game Cube Game Review

I only playing this game once for a few hours. My friend had his file toward the end. It was only the first time ,but I tried to defeat the final boss. The first part of the final boss was pretty big. You had to turn into a small sphere to evade is rampage. The final form was a cool blue octopus. It changed colors often. Thus, you had to change your optics to keep tract of the monsters. At times you stepped inside a blue pool that powered up your buster gun. I tried to defeat it twice. However,  I ran out time and had to go home. Still for the little bit I played of the game I must say that Metriod Prime is a 5 star worthy Game Cube game.


Super Mario Nintendo 64 Game Review

This super Mario game was a bit silly. It did not have Luigi and I rarely saw the princess. Basically, you go to the castle and the worlds are inside paintings. There are others inside holes or underwater. For the most part, you simply went world from world. You also fought King Kopa several times. You basically grab his tail and throw him inside the lava. His levels are really hard. You have to avoid falling into the lava. Plus, you can die from a huge fall. This world usually involves climbing up. Thus, there is a huge chance that you fall to your death. The water worlds are problematic because you drown. However, Mario never drowned in Super Mario 3. This drowning thing is a new development. Someone's brilliant idea of adding realism to the game. Seriously!! How quaint..! Super Mario has always been anything, but realistic. The day Super Mario becomes realistic that will be the day he stops being super. Realism is ordinary. In any case, Super Mario for the Nintendo 64 deserves 5 star rating. 


 Chrono Saga Super Nintendo Game Review

Chrono Saga is an interesting little game. The version that they lent me happened to be in Italian. I had it a while and did not feel like returning it. I figured that Italian and Spanish are very similar. Thus, I played this game in another language. I really had no idea what the storyline was about. I got pretty far by half understanding things. The funny thing was that after playing thing RPG game for so long, I started to dream in Italian. Hehehe... It was hilarious not understanding a single word in your dream. In any case, the game was pretty interesting. You got to travel a lot and see strange monsters. It was like a regular FF RPG game. I would have won the game if I had not accidentally deleted the file. Oh! Well, there is no point crying over a lost saved file. In any case, Chrono Saga for the Super Nintendo deserves 5 star rating.(I could not find a picture so here we have Freeza playing with a Super Nintendo Counsel).


NINJA warriors Again Super Nintendo Game Review

The last super Nintendo game I am going to rate is Ninja Warriors Again. Basically, there is this really bad dude. It is up to a team of three cyborg robots to defeat him.The main character is a Ninja Robot girl who uses double blades. There is a skinny male robot Ninjas that fights with wrist sword. The third guy is a muscle head. He punches and has a dash move. The girl is quite varied, however, the skinny guy works better most time. You can change your helper after each mission. The fighting missions are really hard. Each time you have to defeat stronger and more skilled robot fighters. It is really not an easy game. I think that is everything worth mentioning about this game. 5 stars for Ninja Warrior Again.


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