Nayu Last Anime Wallpapers Review

anime albino,anime smile,wallpaper

Nayu Last Anime Wallpapers Review

In this anime wallpaper, we see the same old cute albino anime boy. Grapes and vines are growing all around him. He has a very silly smile. His body tattoos are quite complex. I think that is everything worth mentioning. Nayu deserves 5 stars rating.

anime happy, anime cute, anime sleepover

Here is another one of Nayu's original anime characters. Basically, we see a smiling cutie. She is getting ready for a sleepover. She brought her sleeping bag and her stuffed blue bunny. Her hairstyle is very similar to Hatsune Miku. The background is just weird. In the bottom left, I see Nayu and Utyako's signature. Both helped in the making of this lovely anime wallpaper. Truly, this anime wallpaper deserves 5 stars rating.

black rock shooter, death master, anime wallpaper

In this anime wallpaper, we see Black Rock Shooter and her mortal enemy Death Master. Both are looking very creepy at the viewer. I love their evil smile a lot. Both are in that strange checkerboard patterned chained world. It is the playing field of their epic fight. Truly, Nayu did quite the lovely rendering of these cuties. 5 stars rating for him.

Black Rock Shooter, anime cool,nayu mangaka

In the next anime wallpaper, we see Black Rock Shooter looking serious. Behind her we see her cross with chains. The floor is breaking apart. The blue will-o-witts are a nice detail. In any case, this lovely anime wallpaper deserves 5 stars rating.

cute nekomimi,anime wallpaper, mangaka nayu

The next anime wallpaper shows a cute nekomimi guy. He is about to drink some Dr. Pepper. His yellow eyes are really pretty. In any case, this anime wallpaper deserves 5 stars rating.

Durarara anime wallpaper, anime yaoi,mangaka nayu

In this anime wallpaper, we see Shizuo and Izaya up to their usual antics. Their hatred is really close to love. Here Izaya is licking some of Shizuo's blood. Very creepy couple. In any case, this Durarara anime wallpaper deserves 5 stars rating for Nayu.

Gintama anime wallpaper, anime wallpaper,mangaka nayu

Here we see the next lovely anime wallpaper by Nayu. It is from Gintama. The trio are the main characters from Gintama. I find it hilarious the stuffing that the red head is using. In any case, Nayu deserves 5 stars rating.

Lavi anime, anime wallpaper,mangaka nayu

Lavi is such a cute exorcist. He is from D. Grey Man. He is a Rabbi Exorcist. Here he is dressed like a regular guy. He is drinking one of those fancy Japanese drinks. It has a bunny anime girl picture. I think that is everything worth mentioning. Truly, Nayu deserves 5 stars rating.

Yaoi kiss, anime wallpaper, nayu mangaka

Well, here is the last anime wallpaper by Nayu. It not a half bad yaoi anime wallpaper. Basically, we see two albino anime boys kissing. They both do look really cute together. Anyhow, Nayu deserves 5 stars rating. Well, lets just wrap things up. Nayu truly is a talented mangaka artist. I hope that you liked these few post. The next mangaka artist that I will feature is Tukiji Nao. Stay tune, turkeys.


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