Five Action Nintendo Games Reviews


Shatterhand Action Nintendo Game Review

The Nintendo game ,Shatterhand , is one that I enjoyed playing a lot. Basically, you are this cool guy who has to defeat this robot guy. As you go along, you get some power nodes. When you get three, you get robot powers. They varied depending on three combination. If you get all of the same three, then you summon up an armor suit. Other mismatch combinations reveal different powers. You see, the armor does not last forever. Sometimes, it is best to call up a little helper. The little helpers stay forever unless they get defeated. They can handle a lot of blows to the head.

Without the powers, you simply fight with your fists. They work pretty well. However, the boss battles are really hard. So, it is recommend that you have some fire powers. The hardest world in this game is the water world. Like the regular megaman game, you fight all the bosses again in the final dungeon. The final boss is hard to get to. You can get to him with your most powerful form. However, it always wears off before defeating him. Thus, you have to fight him most of the time with your hands. You know, one time I slew the beast, but he shot me before dying. My life bar was really low. Thus, we both slew one another. I did win the second time around. In any case, the awesome Shatterhand the Nintendo game deserves 5 stars rating.

Rated 5/5 stars.


Motocross or Excitebike Action Nintendo Game Review

Motocross is a Nintendo Motocycle game. You either play the competition courses or you make your own race tracts. The Motocycles are like the regular kind. They overheat if you accelerate too much. As for the courses, the obstacles are really far out. Some are really hard to overcome. However, there is one obstacle in specific that is really hard. I used to repeat this obstacle over and over. The computer could not handle it. One time, my mom was playing this course and she said this game should be called Matacross (Mata as in killer). In any case, this lovely little Nintendo game deserves 5 star ratings.

Rated 5/5 stars.


Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers Action Nintendo Game Review

The Chip 'N Dale Nintendo game is pretty cute. It is a two player game. You basically fight some bad guys by throwing them apples. I forget what is the final boss of this Game. Frankly, it I do not remember playing it much. Perhaps, because I had to return the Nintendo game early. I only have a vague memory of this Nintendo game. I do remember that it was good. Just take my word for it. OK!! Chip and Dale the Nintendo game is a 5 star worthy old as sin game.  

Rated 5/5 stars.


Ninja gaiden II Action Nintendo Games Reviews

Ninja Gaiden II is the first game I played of the Ninja Gaiden series. I do remember sinking by teeth into the first part. However, it was not too good of a game. Basically, this game is about a Ninja guy ought to kill some bad guy and his ninja clan. I forget much of the storyline. I frankly did not know a word of English when I played this game. That is the great thing about Nintendo games. You do not need to know the language to play them. They are a like math, universal. Also all these Nintendo Games are pretty straight forward. What is important is the game play and the powers. The grunts and the bosses are pretty hard to beat in this Nintendo game. You sorta get powers as you go along. Best save them. Like the a regular Ninja, you climb the walls and roofs. You need to have quick reflexes for this game. Overall, it is a pretty difficult game. In any case, Ninja Gaiden II deserves 5 star rating.

Rated 5/5 stars.


Ninja gaiden III Action Nintendo Game Review

In Ninja Gaiden III, the storyline revolves around saving a girl. The design of the girl is like an 80s chick. Nothing too far out there , but cute nonetheless. The worlds are much harder than in Ninja Gaiden I and II. I used to loose a lot of lives in the rain world. The game gets harder when you have to analyze wind direction. The wind in that world either makes or breaks your falls. As for his ninja powers, I like best his shadow clone abilities. I think Naruto copied this ability from this game. Other than that, he has all the same powers as in the Previous Ninja Gaiden games. I think he might have had others, however, I do not remember them. You know, you guys should cut me some slack. I played this game like 10 years ago. Still, what makes a game memorable is how long it stays in the player's mind. For being memorable, Ninja Gaiden III deserves 5 stars rating. I hope you liked this Nintendo games reviews. Stay tune for more, cold Turkeys.
Rated 5/5 stars.


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