Chronicle Movie 2012 Cool 5 stars Worthy

Chronicle Movie 2012 Cool 5 stars Worthy Reviewing Teresita Blanco The Chronicle movie is seen from the eyes of a camera. One of the ...

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Chronicle Movie 2012 Cool 5 stars Worthy
Reviewing Teresita Blanco

The Chronicle movie is seen from the eyes of a camera. One of the main characters, Andrew, likes to play around with a camera. His cousin worries that Andrew's camera is making him a recluse. Anyhow, one day Andrew and his cousin go to a party. They hang out with their friends and all. They suddenly wonder off to the woods.

In the woods, Andrew, his cousin Matt and their friend Steve find a hole. When they went down, they discovered a strange pulsating something. When they touched it, the thing underground began  to glow. The camera died while the teens ran in a panic. Some time passes, and the friends come together again.
They discovered that the things had giving them telekinetic powers. They tried to return to the cave, however, a landslide had covered it up. Now, they had to deal with their new found powers. The movie takes a dark twisted turn around the end. The fact that the movie is seen via the teen's camera gives it an air of realism. It follows the same concept as paranormal horror movies. In any case, Chronicle movie deserves 5 stars rating. Its a great super power kinda movie, but without the whole stupid super hero costume thing.

chronicle movie,chronicle 2012,cool movie


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