To the Democrats and Republicans

To the Democrats and Republicans I truly wonder where everything could have gone wrong... In Rome, it was considered a civic duty to ser...

To the Democrats and Republicans

I truly wonder where everything could have gone wrong... In Rome, it was considered a civic duty to serve in the Senate. Now people go to congress to make money. Is this all that politics is for you? A business, nothing more? When did it become more important for you to get reelected than the rights of the people you supposedly represent.

Democrats and Republicans... I see no difference between you. In the end, all the laws that you implemented ,so far, have been for the benefit of the few. Have you forgotten that many souls putted their lives, their trust, into the ballot, the day they voted for you. No... you have nothing forgotten... Alas, you politicians are in the end just business men!!

Are intangible benefits all you have to offer? What good does it do to me that I can worship and say what I desire when I am forced to live on an empty stomach? I am hungry!! Hungry for freedom!! Hungry for the America that I hoped to find the day that I landed in the Miami Airport.

Are all my hopes and aspirations a dream and nothing more? I ask you, why have you turned your backs on your constituents? Republicans, did you not promised to protect small businesses?  Yet, when the time comes, you side with the major corporations. Democrats are no different. If it benefits them, they will sell the poor and our future (the children) just for a few more votes.

You have lost your values. Your foundation is gone, corroded. When did America become an oligarchy? Is power all that you lust for? Do our votes mean nothing to you?

But alas, my words fall on deaf ears. I do not have enough money to purchase your support. Heck, I barely have enough to cover my collage classes (thank you for that favor, Republicans and Democrats). After all, politics is just a business to you Democrats and Republicans...


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