SOPA Redrafted... Now its Even Worse TV vs the Internet

SOPA Redrafted... Now its Even Worse TV vs the Internet The new version of SOPA now makes it illegal to have a Pikachu drawing somewere. ...

SOPA Redrafted... Now its Even Worse TV vs the Internet

The new version of SOPA now makes it illegal to have a Pikachu drawing somewere. Heck, even mentioning the bloody pokemon name is illegal now. You know, this is what I love about congress right now. The things they should regulate get deregulated and the things that should not get regulated get regulated. I am up to here with this corrupt congress.

Such terrible evil... the cursed old money has found a new way to squeeze more money out of the consumer. Heck, you better start deleting those fan fics cause you are gonna go to jail for 5 years. It is all about protecting the Hollywood blockbuster movies.  The side effect to this law is that is gonna overkill all sites from google to facebook.

Right now, the anime copyrights are in 4kids tv and Disney. If I remember correctly, the so called child loving Disney sued a mother for making a Cinderella homade costume for her lil girl. How far will their abuses go unpunished ?

This is Why I hate polticis today!!! Its always about protecting the money of the rich people. I hate to agree with Chavez (the tyrant from Venezuela) but the US has become a freaking Olygarchy. Ever since the cursed Ronald Regand (may his soul burn in hell!!!), the old money have been gaining more and more power. Now their latest victim is the internent!!!

To hell with their lot, are we to sit here and do nothing while they trample on our beleoved sites. This SOPA act is the machinations of imbecils who have no idea of how the internet works. This is also the reason why I despice incumbancy. Incumbants are whats killing America.

They are the reason why we still use oil, why a kid goes to jail for like 10 years for 1 illegal song , why we have to pay 100 for a 5 buck aspirin, why the schools are underfunded.  Its all their fault. They do everything to remain in power. Even allying themselves against the oppressors of their constituents. Democrats... Republicans, both parties have become corrupted. It is always , always, always about protecting the rights of the few, by taking the rights of the Many. Stop the SOPA act, stand up against the tyranny of the few!!!


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