Under the Tyranny of the Robber Barons

Under the Tyranny of The Robber Barons  Editor's Note: I was planning to pair up this one with a review of Generation 99%. C...

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Under the Tyranny of The Robber Barons 

Editor's Note:

I was planning to pair up this one with a review of Generation 99%. Considering that I am feeling a bit lazy around the frontal lobe, I will publish this one right now. After all, this blog has been germinating in my draft section ever since November. So for Better or for worse, here is my " Under the Tyranny of the Robber Barons". By now I forgotten what this blog was all about... So, sit back and enjoy the ride.

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My dear chibis,

My mood has been rather sour lately. These whole business of the 99% has got me thinking that maybe democracy is dead in America. Think about it, can democracy TRULY exist in a place were 1% of the population makes all the decisions for the 99%. This 1% swallows our tax payer's money. Using petty Utopian economic terminology, they brainwash us into letting them gamble with our money. Their anti union commercials mask the fact that Unions are the only private organization that has the power to stand up them.

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Ever since the rule of Greenspan (a puppet of the Robber Barons), the financial sector has been deregulated. The banks started taking riskier investments. When the housing bubble finally burst, it was too late for the government to remedy the malady. Our shaky economy is not the fault of Freddy and Mack (they are the scapegoat of the Robber Barons). This one percent would do anything to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. They bride our Senators and our Representatives. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are inside their loaded pockets. Can democracy exist in such a place were both parties are ruled by a select few?

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If you think I am making this up then answer me one question!! Why are the anti trust laws not being implemented. Their monopolistic behavior is distorting price signals. Can the market function with under such distortions? Their Jumbo companies are swallowing up small investors. The Republicans claim to stand up for small investors, yet they will do nothing to keep the robber barons from destroying them. Can small private businesses compete with Walmark? Can they compete with Target? You already know the answer to that questions.

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All tax cut to the Robber Barons do not create jobs in America. We already know how they love to enslave women and children in children in China, Bangladesh, Malaysia ect. Tax Cuts only give them more loose cash to corrupt our government. I say raise their taxes (make them pay for all the suffering that they have cause 99%) and lower the taxes of our dear sweet small business owners. Let us have the Fed indefinitely breathing down their Neck... That will make them think twice about oppressing us.

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Considering that we are part of the 99% it might be a good idea to riot for a bit. I am far too young to be taken seriously. For this reason, I am sick and tired of being pushed around by the Robber Barons. It was they who killed overtime pay. They are the ones who employ hard working mothers as cheap labor. They are the creators of the glass ceiling that keep women from rising up. They are to blame for women's lower Wages. They killed prenatal care, infant care and health care (after all as soon as you get sick or pregnant they fire to avoid paying for your medical bill).

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They slew education when our tax payer money was forced to bail them out.   Money that could have been used to give an opportunity to bright American Students has gone to perdition. All the good education is reserved for the blue blooded children of the Robber barons. To make matters worse, they do not contribute one penny to Social Security and other welfare programs. What their Republican and Democrats slaves do not tell is that they do not pay % wage tax. And then we wonder why there is never enough Social Security money.

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My hopes for the future are but extinct. I fled Cuba to escape from the Tyranny of the Brothers Castro. Here I encountered a new form of subjugation. A new twisted tyranny wearing the mask of Democracy, Individualism and Freedom. How is it Freedom to be enslaved by the Robber Barons? What individualism can exist in land were the Robber Barons dictate all our values?

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I ask you can democracy exist in a place were 1% control the 99%? I lived inside inside the belly of the monster I recognize its stench. These Robber Barons are no different than the cursed Castro Brothers. The only difference is that these Robber Barons hide behind the mask of democracy to enslave the entire population. This is my emancipation proclamation. We must brake the shackles of the Tyranny of the Robber Barons!!! Rise up 99%!!!

In conclusion, the Robber Barons deserve a negative infinity black whole rating.

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