My Back to School Blog

 anime hatsune miku

My Back to School Blog

Today starts a new semester. Same old, same old. But alas, it is not my duty to like going to school. Frankly, my philosophy of " Breathing"  has helped ace school. The way I see it, there are some things that you must do. I compare going to school to breathing. If breathing was left up to us, then we would drop dead at night.

In any case, today I went to my first class. I saw there my dear old sweet Jainist nun. It was a pleasant surprise. However, deep down I wanted to kill my brother. He manages my classes, you see. I was led to believe that he had put me into another religious course.

 anime uniform school

It turns out that it was a history class. What I liked best ,aside from my teacher, was the fact that I did not have to waste money on books.

After this class was over, I went to lunch. I had only a half a hour between class. I swear that every year that place gets even more crowded and crowded. The police was roaming around most of the time. I suppose it was to control traffic ( FIU students are notoriously bad drivers. I once saw an idiot crash into a rescue. Good luck getting the insurance to pay. After all, the rescue is a walking yield sign). So like after being in line for 20 mins I had only 5 minutes to eat my meal and rush to my next class.

 anime classroom picture

The other class was a bit more dull. That one was a baroque history class. The teacher did not let us used laptops (which is such a pity... considering that I wanted to blog a bit). It seems like a lot of busy work. Then again, I wont have to pay for these books either. So, I guess I can try to make due with this class as well (if the dim lighting does not make me fall asleep).

I ended the day by resuming my exerciser regime. Everything hurts now... I am gonna go take a nap. Tata and Good night.

 vocaloid GUMI school
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