Evolution by Luis Royo 5 Star Worthy Collection

 evolution luis royo

Evolution by Luis Royo 5 Star Worthy Collection

The featured fantasy pictures are from "Evolution" of Luis Royo. This book has a lot of his work for different editorials around the world. Others are not commissioned works. I am not too certain about most of these images. I do not read far too many fantasy books. I used to but I grew out of them like 4 years ago. Still, I will try my best with these images.

"Evolution"  had a total of 53 images. From that lot I choose about 18 pictures that I thought deserved 5 star rating. The first runner up shows a pretty maiden with a lil doggie. To her right we see a huge black dragon. Black dragons are usually very powerful spell caster. To her left I see a type of demon that looks like a unicorn. I forget the name of such demons. All I remember is that they can petrify and have a lot of fancy curses. This poor girl has two terrible beast as companions. In any case, this fantasy picture deserves 5 star rating.

 evolution royo futuristic

The next one shows a pretty warrior maiden overlooking a burning city. That whole "standing on top of a gargoyle while on patrol thing"  was first ushered in by Batman. It works pretty well, don't cha think? The girl herself has pretty light clothing. However, both her sword hands are well protected. Even if her armor slows her down , she needs both arms protected because is a claymore user.

Claymores are heavy weapons, almost impossible to wield with one hand. It is interesting the calmness from the top and the chaos bellow. Behind her head I can see a huge full moon. Her flowing hair is really pretty, as well as her fancy claymore. This one also deserves 5 star rating.

 evolution luis royo

It is not too uncommon for Royo to go for the whole weird matrix tube thing. On the belly of this futuristic maiden, I see a bar code and a serial number. Judging by the 1084, she must be part of a very long series. Following the Baroque style, Luis Royo is engaging the viewer by having her figure acknowledge our presence. She is posing for the viewer. This very pretty maiden deserves 5 star rating.

 evolution luis royo

This blue maiden is the front cover for "Evolution". This cover works pretty well. She is the future of mankind. She looks quite realistic in her own out of this world fashion. Aside from the color, the horns, the pointed ears and the odd hairdo, she is no different from a regular human girl. What I like best is the detail that Royo spent on her lips. They look painted. The use of shadings and highlights are mild enough to show her in her entirety. This one is also gazing at the viewer. This one also deserves 5 stars.

 luis royo evolution

Now this is one frisky fantasy picture. A strange blue angel has risen from the sea to gaze upon the pretty human surfer. The maiden seems oblivious of the strange thing's presence. She is just enjoying the water and the waves. Something about this angel makes me think that perhaps he is the guardian beast (god, deity , sprite or whatever) of this beach. He does seem to "belong" to this place. In any case, both the maiden and this blue guy deserve 5 star rating.

 sketch luis royo

The next one is a preliminary concept picture. This one is playing with the girls expressions. Royo here was going for something hot. In this version this freckled beauty is lifting up her skirt. Her expression is coquettish is both mocking and inviting. She knows she is cute and how to use her beauty. For a preliminary work, it is not half bad. It is just as good as the final draft. In any case, Luis Royo deserves 5 star rating for this work.

 evolution luis royo

In the end, it seems Royo settled for the top instead of the bottom. This pretty maiden is a night walker (for lack of a better word). Behind her you can see the soft amber lights of the city. The street is buzzing with life. I noticed that Royo draws on a lot of Baroque tricks. With the parking meter and the background, Royo is trying to create the illusion that her world is tangible. We are just behind the parking meter. She is inviting the viewer to claim her.

Judging by the floor and the maiden's wet skin and hair, it must have been raining until recently. I wonder a lot about the writing on the wall. It has a hearth and two names. Eh.. maybe she was waiting for her lover and not a customer. I noticed that freckles are not used often in drawings, cartoons, or paintings. I don't really know why. Regular faces are so boring. Freckles are so very cute, specially on blond maidens. Either way,  this pretty maiden deserves 5 star rating.

 evolution space royo

The next one shows a common scene in a strange world. Like any regular person, this "thing" is waiting for a transport to arrive. By playing with the vanishing point, Royo makes the city look expansive, almost infinite. He is playing with out perspective of space. Close to the red guy we have a human talking with a silver haired something. However, Royo wants us to focus on the Red Guy (we know, cause the color red makes him stand out). He does look tall and imposing. In any case, Royo deserves 5 star for this piece.

 wallpaper luis royo

The next piece shows an astronomer fixing a futuristic space station. The entire station looks rusted and falling apart. His space suit also looks rusted and worn out. Perhaps he has been in this place for quite a long time. He seems ,to be blending, to be part of this space station.

There is a strange air of loneliness about this piece. He is the only human in this picture. Judging by his expression, that strange sphere is something new that showed up. It is shinning a strange light upon him. In any case, she deserves 5 star rating.

 evolution new york

Another decaying city... This one is New York city. I can tell because of the Chrysler building in the background. On the foreground, I can see a maiden sleeping. Judging by her sword and armor, she must be the same girl from the second featured picture. It seems that the city has stopped burning.

Beside her I can see a strong fire burning. This is quite the odd place to take a nap. I guess the city bellow is not safe. If you look closely, you can seem similar fires burning in key places all over the decaying buildings. There is lie still in this decaying city... This aftermath of the fire seems quite hopeful, yet lonely. In any case, the second deserves 5 star rating. 

 evolution dragon royo

Uh... Now this is weird... That frog is really something else.  It has a lot of cool interesting runes all over its body. The maiden seems to be staring at it while holding a talisman. Judging by her expression, the frog must have given her this talisman. I think that thing wants her to go on a quest or something. I can see her town behind her. Other than that, I think there is nothing more to be said about this piece.

 luis royo evolution

The next one is rather odd. Here a gathering of weirdos is gazing inside this giant cauldron. It is sipping with magic. Weird lil power bubbles are floating up. The main girl is the one who is kneeling closets to the opening. She must be thinking of going inside. The scenery itself looks creepy enough...5 stars.

 evolution royo magic

Now, this is one cool looking fantasy picture. Here a maiden and a mage are about to fight. Both are calling forth the power some ghostly looking dragon. They are dressed after the medieval fashion. The mage is in the middle of calling for lightning. Only these two guys seems like they are about to fight. Around them there are some darkly figures in harmony with one another. In any case, this picture deserves 5 star rating. 

 evolution post apocalyptic

Now this is one pretty blue haired maiden. Her clothing looks like a computer circuit. The floor has a similar pattern. Unlike the others, she is not gazing at the viewer. She seems to be looking at something far away (that is behind the viewer). This trick makes it seem that her world continues behind us. The decaying scenery behind her seems large and expansive.

This city could keep going till dooms day. Behind her the sun is rising. However, she has a spotlight effect falling upon her. Otherwise, she would be darkened to our gaze. I guess something is about to pick her up... in any case, this pretty maiden in a post apocalyptic world deserves 5 star rating.

 evolution mars royo

Now this is cute. The main characters are escaping from a random castle. It has a futuristic fortress design. I guess they are on Mars. The Martian sky alternates between red and green. You can see both colors in the sky. The helicopter is down to earth. For Royo's key eye to detail, he deserves 5 star rating.

 evolution king Arthur

All king knights are Arthur. Beside him I can see his young wife Guinevere. Both are wearing the kingly color red. He is making a large emphasizes on Excalibur. This sword is the physical manifestation of his right to rule. Something else that I noticed are his incredibly small feet. They are tinny for his size. This is an allusion to his fairy lineage. Behind him, we can see a tapestry showing some dragons and knights.

To show that he has a brain,  Royo has in a serious contemplative look. Both him and his wife are gazing at the viewer. Arthur must be considering our request. During the feudal era,, it was common for the commoners to be ushered in a line to ask the lord for things. In any case, this lil number deserves 5 star rating.

 luis royo Americans

Now this is one cool looking picture. Here we see two native Americans are in the desert. Bot here awaiting the buffalo spirit. The spirit seems to be forming from the clouds. There is a lot of suppressed motion in this picture. The light  wind is about to become a torrent the moment that the buffalo spirit manifests. In any case, they deserve 5 star rating.

 luis royo evolution

This is the last featured "Evolution" picture. What I like best is the play with the silver white colors. It is super shinny. The background itself is undetermined. I noticed that the papers have pictures on them Judging by the panel for it must be the pages of a graphic novel. The main girl is resting her arms on a huge stack of them. The girl looks really pretty. 5 stars.

I hope that this Luis Royo blog humored you a lot. I still have about 5 on the stock pile. Ah... today is such a wonderful pretty day. Have a wonderful day all you children of the internet.


Description: The Evolution Revolution of Luis Royo About: Lots of Great Photos Accountable Person: Fernando Blanco Author: Awards: None Content Location: art Content Rating: 5 Contributor: Fernando Blanco Copyright Holder: Teresita Blanco Copyright Year: 2012 Creator: Teresita Blanco Editor: Fernando Blanco Genre: Hot Headline: Evolution by Luis Royo 5 Star Worthy Collection Keywords: art, blond, city, commission, dragon, ET, evolution, fantasy, futuristic, girl, hot, luis royo, medieval, native Americans, post apocalyptic, ruins, space, sword, war, warriors,  Mentions: Native Americans Provider: Me Publisher: Phi Stars Publishing Principles: Teresita Blanco Source Organization: Phi Stars Version: 7 Item Reviewed: Evolution Collection Review Rating: 5
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