Boredom is the Mother of All Tragedies

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Boredom is the Mother of All Tragedies

They say that Vanity is the mother of all tragedies. However, it is of my opinion that Boredom is what brings ultimate destruction. Allow me to explain. The Roman Empire  lasted about 700 years. It is among the most longest lasting Empires in existence. How did they do it? They had two things : bread and circus. They knew it, the US knows, Mandela (the President of South Africa), knows it. Circus ( and food, one cannot have fun on an empty stomach) is the answer.

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It is usually during the stillest hour that one gets the stupidest ideas. As Voltaire (infamous Enlightened French Philosopher) puts it, " Mankind was not born for idleness". Drugs, Jackass, Columbine, I attribute all those tragedies and stupidities to the number one problem with our youth, boredom. If they had something to do, then they would not be doing so many stupid things.

Why do you think the 99% is complaining? Because they have nothing to do! Jobs used to keep them busy. It gave them a purpose. They put food on their plates. However, since they lost their job, now they spend their time complaining.

Have you notice that busy people are the most functional people in society? They always find a productive way to kill boredom. Yet it happens that the Robber Barons got easily bored of the usual entertainments. With all their capital, they invest more and more on new experiences. Many a times, they turn to drugs or they visit Cambodia to find young tender flowers to play around with.

 Caligula movie review

Now, let me use some real life examples to prove my point. Caligula: He was a filthy rich Roman Caesar. To kill time, he liked to kill and rape humans and animals. One time, he had the brilliant idea of making love to his sister. Once her belly grew, he reached inside, pulled out her son , and ate it.

 caligula evil guy

Most would analyze his actions as insanity but I say it was boredom. Had he payed attention to the barbarians he could have used his cruelty more productively. Alas, there are probably many Caligulas walking amongst us. Yet, we praise them because of their heroic war efforts.

 marie antoinette painting

Maria Antonietta was another special case. She did not eat her children, but for my purposes she works wonderfully. This pretty maiden wasted like a billion fartins (that's french money) in her fancy lil castle. She like to decorate her home with exotic things. So while the French were starving, she was having parties with her pals.

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She never once bothered to notice her people. She assumed that their love came naturally because of her divinely ordained position. During the Rococo period, she was the perfect party Queen. However, when the bread was gone, she lost her head. Her idleness made her infantile. However, she was able to grow as a person when she was forced to work to save her neck and that of her family. With the Parliament breathing down her neck ,she had no time to be bored.

 Hitler ballet tutu

Hitler ,another brilliant example. In these days, jail time is spent busy, busy. Jail birds have the life in comparison to prisoners during the 1900s. Today, jail birds have books, art class, internet, P.E. ect. Back then, it was work and back in the whole. Can you image a more boring Jail experience? Hitler during this time got inspired and wrote Dax Kapital. As soon as he got out of jail, he became anti Jewish, Anti Gay, heck Anti Everything (that big of a stiff he was). I bet the Warden was probably a Jew... In any case, Hitler refined the Nazi concept after his boring Jail experience.

 elizabeth nietzche photo

Neitzche, another person that had nothing to do with his time. He was a filthy rich guy that wrote a lot to kill time. Most of his book spoke bad about the lower class people. Ironically, it is was his "poisonous flies" that loved his writing the best. If I remember correctly, his book was a mandatory reading for the German soldiers during WWI. The problem was that those that read his writing did not grasp the complicated concept of metaphors (hahahahaha).

 Nietzsche thinking photo

They did not understand that Nietzsche kept calling them flies and other vile creatures. The Nazis are not the higher men. Only the old blood were considered to be higher man by Nietzsche. But what can you do?  Poisonous flies will always be poisonous flies... In any case, his writings inspired a lot of tragedy. Plus, Nietzsche hated the assembly line concept. And God, and philosophy, and organized religion ect... He only had a warm tender heart for his sister. I can't say I blame him. His sister was pretty cute (see the black and white photo of a Victorian Girl)... As you can see, boredom = incest.

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Fidel Castro wrote his "La Historia me Absolvera" in jail. The book itself pointed out the problems he found in Cuba. His solution was to make himself the leader and in a princely way make Cuba prosperous. Lets just say that Cuba used to be prosperous until he got to power.  Ever since he came to power, its been a race to the bottom. As you can see, boredom has given birth to two very horrible human beings. Although, to group them with the rest of humanity feels like an insult to the whole human race.

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In conclusion, boredom is the mother of all tragedies. Find something productive to do, in order to quiet the lil voice in your head that says, "kill, kill, kill". I would have thought of more examples, but at this hour this is all the proof that I could dig up. I think Mary Stuart would made quite the dandy addition. However, at this hour I am drawing at a blank. Plus, I was not planning on making a huge list. I only sited a few notorious examples of very idle people that came up with some seriously destructive bad ideas. All I have to say is tata and Good Night.

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