The Matrix Trilogy Futuristic Movies Review 5 Stars

The Matrix Trilogy Futuristic Movies Review 5 Stars I do not need to tell you that the Matrix movies are 5 stars worthy movies. I al...

The Matrix,Mr. Smith,5 stars

The Matrix Trilogy Futuristic Movies Review 5 Stars

I do not need to tell you that the Matrix movies are 5 stars worthy movies. I also do not need to tell you what they are about. The Matrix is the tale of the blue pill and the red pill. Neo, who choose the red pill saw the world for what it truly was. Frankly, I liked the first movie a hell of a lot. Its exaggerations where believable. By the time of the third movie, the battles seemed like a duel between two super men.

The Matrix,The Matrix Neo,The Matrix Morpheus

I think I will start reviewing the first movie. The movie starts with Mr. Anders, played by Keanu Reeves. He is a hacker named Neo. He has been searching for the Morpheus hacker for years. Eventually, Morpheus finds him. Much to his deep chagrin, Neo gets infected by a tracking cookie that had to be removed. The movies had a lot of neat visualization of a lot of computer programs.

The Matrix,digital art wallpaper, 5 stars

The oracle was the most freaky program. In the end, she too was part of the system of control. The way she spoke was pretty freaky. Her name too was taken from computer Jargon. There is a cool oracle programming language out there. There is also an oracle computer company that dishes out hard oracle examinations. Anyhow, she too tested to see who was the One.

the matrix reloaded,the matrix,the matrix gif

In the end, like all seers, she told you what you wanted to hear. In essence, she was a fraud. Aside from the Machines, the main antagonist was Mr. Smith. He started out like a regular program. However, when he came in contact with Neo, he turned into a Virus. By the time the third movie came, he had turned everyone into himself.

The Matrix,pokemon parody,The Matrix Anime

Well, I am getting a bit ahead of myself. What I liked a lot was Neo's training. It is a bummer how he learned kong fu in computer world. The lady in red was also pretty cute. However, my favorite part was the jumping training. Everyone always falls the first time.

the matrix parody,the matrix movie,the matrix

Frankly, the best part about the first movie was the fighting. Either with guns or martial arts, the battles were pretty elaborated. I liked a lot Trinity's high kick. The way Neo dodged the bullets was also pretty cool. Its a bummer how the dream team got betrayed. It sure goes to show that some people rather live in the world of illusion.

The Matrix Pills,The Blue Pill, The Red Pill

Now, onto the second movie. In the second movie, Neo is already flying like super man. From time to time, he bleeds in his battles. This usually gives courage to his enemies. In this movie, this random program alludes to the fact that Neo was not the only One. Another interesting feature are the odd new bad guys. The ghost men were pretty cool. Anyhow, in that movie, they finally showed you Zion. Frankly, I was not too impressed. They were simply futuristic cavemen.

The final movie was a real bummer. It did brought closure to the films. If you think about it, it started with Neo and it ended with Neo. I thought it was ironic that the people from Zion used machines to defeat the machines. Regardless of how you go about it, mankind needs machines to survive.

The Matrix Reloaded,The Matrix,5 stars

My favorite part of the film was when Neo and Trinity finally saw the sunrise. They rose above all the darkness of the world bellow. For a second, they saw glory. A second later, Trinity died. I was glad that Neo had no magic powers to revive her. It was a real bummer how she survived the second part. Frankly, they gave him too much powers.

It was worse when he started affecting the machines outside the Matrix. Needless to say, his contact with Mr. Smith gave him such super powers. I think that is everything worth mentioning about the movie. The Matrix Trilogy are 5 stars worthy movies. Yet, I liked better the first movie. I think the Matrix could have done just fine without the other two movies.

The Matrix, Mr. Anders,Mr. Smith


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