I, Robot Futuristic Movie 5 Stars Worthy

I, Robot Futuristic  Movie 5 Stars Worthy I, Robot was a pretty cool movie. Apparently, it was based on a book written by Isaac Asimo...

I robot,sonny,5 stars

I, Robot Futuristic  Movie 5 Stars Worthy

I, Robot was a pretty cool movie. Apparently, it was based on a book written by Isaac Asimov. I have it in my home. I will eventually get around to read it. On the meantime, I want to review the movie. What I liked most about the movie was the acting of Will Smith. There he played a police officer who hated robots. Mostly, because one had saved him, instead of a little kid. Had the robot been a human, he would have bothered to save the little kid. As such, he hates the cold logical thinking of robots.

The movie starts with the laws of robotics. Those laws where supposed to make them safe. One day, he goes to see a murder case at a robot factory. There he discovers a rogue robot named Sonny. Unlike most robots, Sonny had free will. Will Smith used to wondered why his creator would give Sonny freewill. This freewill made Sonny a suspect in his creator's murder.

I Robot,sonny,Will Smith

I think that is everything worth mentioning. I do not want to give away the ending. Let us just say, that around the end, the Robots went terminator on everyone. The reason why is pretty interesting. What I liked about the movie was that Sunny reminded me a bit of a futuristic Pinocchio. The way he got along with his father was pretty cute. The fact that he also had dreams was pretty odd as well.

Another thing that I liked about the movie was the Robot Chicken Parody. In this one, the robot of the Jetson was suspected of murdering her owner. It was really quite hilarious. In any case, both the parody and the movie of I, Robot deserves 5 stars rating. I recommend it to all robot loving weirdos.

I, Robot, 5 stars


Will Smith 8533398072832870856

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