The Power Project:The Furies Anime Manga References

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The Furies, Standing Meditation,manga

The Power Project:The Furies Anime Manga References 

1.Standing Meditation:

Now, I will discuss the odd references of the Power Project the Furies. The first reference shows Anvil performing Standing Meditation. Standing meditation was performed as far back as 5000 BC. It was done by the ancient Jainism monks. In town between Uruk and the Hindus Valley civilization, there were several stamps cuneiform stamps that showed this type of meditation. These stamps were contemporaries with the Epic of Gilgamesh. For this reason, I featured Anvil performing standing meditation.

The Power Project The Furies,Romanticism, reference

2. Three Different Romanticism Paintings

This entire page takes poses from three different romanticism paintings. The left top panel is taken from Girodet - Funeral of Atala. The right panel is taken from King Lear Weeping Over the Death of Cordelia by James Barry. The last one is from a Jesus painting whose name alludes me.

Gilgamesh,Bible Joseph,painting reference

3.Gilgamesh's Attire

Gilgamesh's attire is taken from Peter Cornelius' Reconciliation of Joseph and his Brothers. Joseph is from Gilgamesh's period. I figured that since Uruk was close to Egypt, then the kings should wear exports from that place. After all, ancient Uruk was the first merchant civilization. They had a lot of trading networks that went from Egypt up to the Hindus Valley Civilization.

The Furies,Gilgamesh,manga

4. The Furies Haunting Gilgamesh

This anime wallpaper references the painting of Orestes Pursued by the Furies by William-Adolphe Bouguereau. Megeria and Alecto are dressed like the Greek Goddesses. However, Thysephone is wearing her wizard outfit. In the manga, she always wears that same moon outfit that I made up.

The Matrix,manga,graphic novel

5. The Matrix Dodging Back

In this panel, I had Gilgamesh dodging his father's head in the same way Neo dodged those bullets. I even dressed him up like Neo for the Parody. The hat fell during the parody. You see, my bro hated the pot hat he was wearing. So, he asked me to get rid of it by any means necessary. So, that is why the parody included the hat flying off.

medusa head,pretification,statue

6. The Medusa Head

Anvil's Death head had the added effect of Petrification. The Furies added that special effect to make his head like a Medusa Head. I thought I would go a step further and have them turn to fountain statues. They are pouring water out of their mouth.

parody,the last supper,god

7. The Last Supper

This dinner is a parody of the Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci. Gilgamesh plays Jesus. Judas are the three Fury sisters. On his side I put Ishtar. According to the Da Vinci Code, Mary Magdalene was there instead of the Beloved Apostle. Following Dan Brown's interpretation, I put Gil's stepmother to act as Mary Magdalene. Enkiku has the seat of Saint Peter. The weird Triangle guy is the Kabalist Depiction of the God Head. Thus, Gilgamesh sits at the right hand of God. hehehe...


8.Santeria's Creation of the World

This story is taken from La Lei de Ifa. This is an oral book of Santeria. I heard such tales from my grandma. It has spells and tales of that religion. I wanted to put into my manga something of my Cuban Culture. Thus, we have the creation of the Truth and the Lie.

Chronos,manga,The Power Project The Furies


Chronos is among the Titans who are tortured in Tartarus. It is the Furies' duties to carryout Zeus' punishments. I also showed Chronos again in the birth of Nemesis flashback. However, Kida's retelling of the story was pretty messed up.

Harpy,original harpy,manga

10. Golden Brazilian Rooster

When I was in school, I got a book on Brazilian birds. In that book, I saw a cool looking Brazilian Rooster. I used the design of that bird to built a harpy around it. I think she came out really pretty.

Henri Fuseli,fishing for souls,hell

11. Dante, Fuseli and then some

This pannel is a composite of two paintings. The top three maidens are from The Shepherds Dream by John Henri Fuseli. The bottom is taken from a Dante's Inferno Painting. The KKK looking guy is actually a monk from Spain. He is a grim reaper sort of guy. He is a gender mage like Thysephone. He uses male magic. That is why his little figurine is a masculine sign.

Red Bull,The Bull of Heaven,manga

12. The Bull of Heaven Shrine

The wall paintings of the bull of Heaven Shrine are taken from depictions of the bull of heaven. There are plenty of tablets depicting the beast. As for the Statue, that is my own original creation. The Bull of Heaven is the original Red Bull. The epic described him as a red bull with wings. Thus, the Red Bull product is based on the Epic of Gilgamesh's Bull of Heaven.

Gilgamesh smells,the furies,graphic novel

13. Kida's Battle

In this fight, I used a lot of Greek Poses. The first one was a Greek sculpture of the Disk Thrower. The next one has Kida posing like Botticelli's the Birth of Venus. Following, we have Gil's parody of the Laocoon group. Instead of the snakes, Gil's two magical dragons are killing Gilgamesh.

napoleon parody,parody,napoleon bonaparte

14. Napoleon painting parody

Above, we see a parody of Napoleon Bonaparte Painting by Jacques-Louis David. Like such, Gilgamesh is ridding a horse.

amphora of exekias,parody,greek

15.Greeks playing a board game 

This manga panel is a parody of the Amphora of Exekias. Here Enkiku and Gil are playing a chess game by the fire.

UFOs,close encounter,manga

16.Real life UFO

A few years ago, I watched a video on the news of a strange looking UFOs. Thus, I used the design of their spaceship for my UFO. Like such, he too was releasing spy balls.

American Gothic,parody,Gil and Kida

17.American Gothic Parody

This anime wallpaper is a parody of the American Gothic painting. You see, Kida and Gil went to Pompeii for their honeymoon. Kida had a house there. That day the volcano exploded. Thus, now you have the background.


18.Odd historical Tibetan salute

Here we see the human form of Krishna. He was greeting Gilgamesh in a Tibetan style. Yeah, Gil did wondered off a lot.  Anyhow, I had Krishna dressed like a Shepard. He took care of the sheep before he got into the war business.


19. Vision of Brahman Taken from the Bagavah gita

In the Ramayama, Krishna reveals to Arjura his godly form. Gil was skeptic about Brahma's claim of being God. Thus, he showed his true form to Gilgamesh


20.All of Vishnu's Current Avatars

Vishnu has many avatars. Krishna is his current avatar. Part of the intro, included the character designs of all of his forms. They will all show up at some point in the manga.


21.Krishna striking a Shiva pose

Here, Krishna is doing a parody of Shiva. He is striking his pose. You see, Krishna and Shiva are both avatars of Vishnu. Right now, Krishna is the current avatar. Thus, Krishna can draw upon all the previous Avatars for strength and inspiration.

Happy Thoughts,Peter Pan,anime

22. Reference to Peter Pan's Happy Thoughts

In this manga panel, Tehiru is doing a parody of Peter Pan. She is yelling Happy Thoughts as she prepares to fake fly. The Furies are into the theatrics, because they are Greek. Thus, they had the little girl "fly" toward Kida.

James Bond Parody,parody,music video

23. Parody to one of James Bond musical

Here Franko, while singing the Power Song did a James Bond Parody. I included the hot girls and everything. Pretty cute!

Kirshan,manga,anime guys

24. Krishna's blessed light

When Krishna was a little kid, they knew he was special because he emitted sacred light from his mouth. In this manga page, Gil asked Brahma to use his sacred light to light the darkness.


25. Gilgamesh no relations to Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh was named after the Epic of Gilgamesh guy. He is not related to the Gilgamesh from the epic.

Maximillian Robespierre,french diplomat,french revolution

26. Maximilian Robespierre

In the tournament fight, Gil fought Maximilian Robespierre. He was no ordinary French diplomat. I used his likeness from a lithograph. I then made him look more like a manga anime character.

Jeepers Creepers parody,Jeepers Creepers,chibi

27.Jeepers Creepers  parody

In this scene, Gil and Brahma assumed that Robespierre was dead. However, he was getting back up in a Jeepers Creepers Fashion. Beside him, a little chibi is singing the Jeepers Creepers song. This parody was pretty funny.

Shiva,powers,anime manga

28. The Third eye

Here, Brahma is using his third eye like a lazer beam. In a story about Shiva, Shiva melted the head off a chick who was interrupting his meditation. Since Brahma is all, and Krishna is Brahma, he can tap into Shiva's powers.


29. Enoch and his staff

Enoch is the prophet of the demons. His book is forbidden and it has been removed from both the Torah and the Bible. Interesting enough, Jesus sites his book often. Anyhow, Enoch draws his powers from the demons he represents. As for his staff, the central skull is a crystal skull. The phoenix represents rebirth. The snake biting its tail, stands for his infinity. Together, his staff represents the magic he uses. Yeah, I designed that cool looking staff.


30. Sefirot

Lastly, I did a reference to the Sefirot Tree. Here Brahma, is being required by Kida. She wants him to fight Gil. Thus, I made a Sefirot tree inside Brahma. Its a Kabbalist reference. I think those are all the references and parodies we used for this first volume.


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